Found 10 Serbian tutors.

Zoran R. · Bachelor in Mechanics

Beograd 11070 · $10/hour · teaches Resume Writing, Serbian, SQL, Trigonometry, Vector

Diploma mathematical university. From 1987 to 1996. I am person with reality in mind and trying to give my best to students. Online tutor from the Serbia.

 is a certified tutorRed Apple award Red Apple award, certified, member for 5 years and 9 months
Mariana S.

Indianapolis 46217 · $304/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Vocabulary - Grammar - Prealgebra -

I use Russian, Macedonian, Serbian, and Croatian at different levels, and this helps me teach people of different origins and cultures. Thank you for visiting my profile. Looking forward to hearing from you!

 is a certified tutor certified
Marina L.

Laramie 82072 · $15/hour · teaches Biology - Microbiology

Many Serbians do not have opportunity to learn English, so I wanted to help those children and for very small amount of money I was giving lectures every time they needed. When I moved to US, Wyoming...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ema S.

Ann Arbor 48106 · $50/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Writing - TOEFL -

TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), Masters Electrical engineering, Graduate Coursework I have been teaching ESL/EFL, Macedonian, Serbian, Bosniann, Croatian, yoga...

 is a certified tutor certified
Dajana R.

Miami Beach 33139 · $60/hour · teaches Grammar - Reading - Writing - English - ESL/ESOL

Faculty of Philology,University of Belgrade, Serbia, Masters I am a certified teacher of English language and literature, Serbian language and Spanish language. I graduated with Master's degree at Faculty of...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ajdin K.

Costa Mesa 92626 · $35/hour · teaches Algebra 1

I also offer language instruction in Croatian, Serbian, and Italian at Language Learners. Commitment to Education: My approach to teaching is personalized and results-oriented, focusing on understanding your...

 is a certified tutor certified
Daniel P.

Austin 78728 · $200/hour · teaches American History - Grammar - European History -

I read Russian, German, Serbian, Albanian, and Spanish, and have taken courses in Zapotec and Mixteco. I have worked as an online tutor for 10 years and have had success with many students, ranging from high school...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ivana D. · Masters in French Language

Shenzhen Shi 518000 · teaches Reading, Serbian, Vocabulary, Writing, Pre-school

Masters in French language and literature,English as a second language Worked in Primary school,online school,kindergarten,training center;translation Experienced working with all age groups TEFL Instead of talking...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 4 years and 12 months
Petar M. · High School in Student

Zagreb 10000 · $10/hour · teaches Math, Serbian, Elementary, Elementary Math, Croatian

Eight years of elementary school and 4th year of High School. Twelve years of English education aside school. I am tnhe person who can tutor You and I won't be charging you and not teaching you anything.

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 5 years and 1 month
Bosko C.

San Marcos 92069 · $50/hour · teaches alculus, Serbian, Statistics, Trigonometry

I received Master`s in Industrial Engineering and bachelor`s with Honors in Financial Mathematics, so my educational background gave me exceptional understanding of Mathematics and its applications in real life.

member for 9 years and 12 months