Found 11977 social studies tutors – page 171 of 1198.

Victoria D. · Bachelor in Philosophy & History '18

Louisville 40241 · $20/hour · teaches Social Studies, Spelling, Term Paper

High School Valedictorian Senior at Centre College - top ranked Liberal Arts college in KY; History and Philosophy major, International Studies minor; Studied British Politics, Islam, and the British Empire...

member for 7 years and 11 months
Katie G.

Red Bank 07701 · teaches Social Studies, Study Skills, Writing, History

Katie Gillen specializes in humanities such as social studies, study skills and history. She lives in Red Bank, NJ. Feel free to contact Katie through the form on your left.

member for 7 years and 3 months
Jan M. · Masters in Middle Grades Math Ed.

Greensboro 30642 · $40/hour · teaches Math, Pre-Algebra, Elementary Math

Bachelor's Degree in Middle Grades Education (specializing in math and social studies) Master's Degree in Middle Grades Math Education Gifted Endorsement - UGA I am a retired teacher with 30 years experience...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 6 years and 9 months
Carrie B. · Masters in Second Language Studies

Buckley 98321 · $60/hour · teaches ACT, Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, English, ESL

...and I have a master's degree in Second Language Studies from the University of Hawaii. My degree is in teaching English as a Second Language, but I do most of my work in test prep and math.

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 6 years and 3 months
Sheila · Masters in Spanish

Philadelphia 13673 · $35/hour · teaches Spelling, Study Skills, TOEFL, Vocabulary

30 years as an educator and 10 years experience in tutoring Willing to help both young and old with academic goals

 is a certified tutorGreen Apple award Green Apple award, certified, member for 5 years and 5 months
Gaius S.

Berkeley 94704 · $60/hour · teaches Social Studies - Classics - Political

Univ of Maryland, Classics and History UC Berkeley (Classics), PhD UC Berkeley (History), Masters I am a retired Berkeley professor who will happily tutor local students in Latin...

 is a certified tutor certified
Rachel C.

Glendale 91208 · $70/hour · teaches Social Studies - Classics

California State University Northridge, Anthropology California Lutheran University, MEd California State University Northridge, Masters Over the last six years, I have worked as...

 is a certified tutor certified
Brennan S.

Killeen 76549 · $30/hour · teaches Social Studies

University of Phoenix, Business Admin I have been a teacher for seven years, plus three years in support roles. I have taught students from PK-8th grade and tutored students from PK to those working on graduate degrees.

 is a certified tutor certified
Sandra H.

Austin 78746 · $65/hour · teaches Phonics - Study Skills - Special Needs - ADHD -

I was a writing mentor for undergraduate BSW and graduate MSW students at the School of Social Work at Wayne State University, and I previously served as a Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member for several Ph.D....

 is a certified tutor certified
Terry M.

Fort Worth 76133 · $50/hour · teaches Social Studies

S.M.U. 1972, EdD Edmar Services, Other I have been an elementary teacher at Hill School of FW (for learning differences) for 16 years, building students' self confidence, teaching them to learn...

 is a certified tutor certified