Found 2454 tutors in South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 – page 29 of 246.
Brooklyn 11216 · 7 miles from 11419 · $60/hour · teaches Music Theory
BMUS Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Comp and Theory UC San Diego, Masters UC San Diego, PhD "...for not great understanding alone, not intelligence alone, nor both together, make genius.

Long Island City 11101 · 7 miles from 11419 · $150/hour · teaches Grammar - Writing -
Baruch College (CUNY)/Zicklin School of Business, Human Resources Baruch College (CUNY)/Zicklin School of Business, MBA As a Career Coach, my target audience is any individual trying to reach their...

Brooklyn 11217 · 8 miles from 11419 · $125/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Vocabulary -
University of California, Los Angeles, English, Linguistics In addition to being a tutor, I'm part of the editorial staff at a Big Five publisher, so I love talking about books and words-- and because I'm...

Astoria 11106 · 8 miles from 11419 · $150/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Chemistry -
The Cooper Union, Civil Engineering New York University, MEd App Academy, Other I'm a physics and engineering teacher at one of New York City's prestigious specialized high schools.

Brooklyn 11234 · 7 miles from 11419 · $50/hour · teaches Vocabulary - English - Spelling
City University of New York - John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Forensic psychology Boricua college, Masters My name is Jelilat. I have 16 years of professional experience working with children...

Brooklyn 11216 · 7 miles from 11419 · $50/hour · teaches Writing - Proofreading
The College of Saint Rose, Political Science Master in Public Administration & Policy, Masters My name is Waheera M. and I am native New Yorker. I received my BA in History &

Saint Albans 11412 · 3 miles from 11419 · $15/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra
I am a high school junior who attends Poly Prep Country Day School. Currently, I take Advanced Placement Calculus, Advanced Placement English language, Advanced Placement Physics, Advanced latin, and United States History.
member for 4 years and 12 monthsWoodhaven 11421 · 2 miles from 11419 · $20/hour · teaches USMLE, USMLE step 1, USMLE
Hi , I am currently tutoring for Usmle step3 . It’s complete one on one tutoring with special focus on exam oriented topics. Special focus would be on CCS , which is mostly surprising for most of the students.

Oakland Gardens 11364 · 5 miles from 11419 · $30/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1
Google Certificate for The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing I performed very well on my regents examinations: Geometry: 100 Chemistry: 100 Earth Science: 97 Algebra 1: 96 Living Environment: 95 Algebra...

Astoria 11103 · 7 miles from 11419 · $100/hour · teaches American History - European
Mannes Conservatory, jazz performance Hey all you prospectives out there! I can’t wait to share my love for music and this great instrument with you. I have over 25 years experience playing gigs as a trumpeter...