Found 4028 Spanish native speaker tutors – page 6 of 403.

Gisela V.

Lewisville 75077 · $150/hour · teaches Spanish - Writing

I have over twenty years of experience teaching Spanish and the necessary training to guarantee the success of any learner at any level. This course covers all levels of Spanish and is intensive, requiring...

 is a certified tutor certified
Anne R.

Waxahachie 75165 · $52/hour · teaches Reading - Spanish - Writing - ESL/ESOL -

U of Texas El Paso, Spanish and Biology West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX, Graduate Coursework University of El Paso Texas UTEP, MEd I have 32 years of teaching experience.

 is a certified tutor certified
Carlos M.

Vero Beach 32966 · $65/hour · teaches Prealgebra - Spanish - Trigonometry - SAT Math -

Additionally, I've tutored young students from ages 7 to 11 in reading and writing, and students from 12 to 18 in Spanish. I naturally have an inclination towards teaching math, however I love language...

 is a certified tutor certified
Yris Q.

Torrance 90501 · $40/hour · teaches Spanish - ESL/ESOL

Lima University, Spanish Linguistic ELE (Español como Lengua Extranjera), Other SIELE (Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española), Other LEARN SPANISH NOW!

 is a certified tutor certified
Lourdes D.

Pittsford 14534 · $60/hour · teaches Spanish

University of Lima, Peru, BS Accounting University of the Pacific, Lima, Peru, Other Lourdes's Bio If you have tried other ways to learn Spanish and have not achieved your goals, or if your children...

 is a certified tutor certified
Paul D.

Phoenix 85053 · $85/hour · teaches Spanish - ESL/ESOL - Elementary Math - Elementary

Universidad Jose Maria Margas, Business Management Hamline University, MBA 2 years, Northern Arizona University, Masters I am a native Spanish Speaker.

 is a certified tutor certified
Carina S.

Sherman Oaks 91423 · $150/hour · teaches European History - Spanish - Portuguese

UCLA, History and Spanish Loyola Marymount University, Masters UC Irvine, PhD Hola! I am a highly effective Spanish teacher based in southern California.

 is a certified tutor certified
Elisabeth M.

Walnut Creek 94595 · $60/hour · teaches Reading - Spanish - Writing - Italian -

I decided to study Spanish over ten years ago and have picked up the language quickly due to the similarities with Italian. My love of Spanish inspired me to use the language with natives and travel abroad.

 is a certified tutor certified
Eric G.

Ridgefield 06877 · $40/hour · teaches Grammar - Spanish - English - ESL/ESOL

Gettysburg College, Spanish and Globalization Studies Dear prospective students, More than a few years ago, I tutored independently for the first time since I was a student at Wilton High School.

 is a certified tutor certified
Heather B.

West Linn 97068 · $40/hour · teaches Reading - Spanish - ESL/ESOL - TOEFL - Spelling -

Wartburg College, Spanish Walden University, Masters I am an effective and experienced secondary Spanish and ESL teacher and am certified to teach middle school and high school Spanish...

 is a certified tutor certified