Found 3715 spelling tutors – page 8 of 372.
Buffalo 14226 · $35/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Elementary (K-6th)
I enjoy teaching reading, spelling, and vocabulary. My specialty is creating personal games with my students to help them become more involved in their own learning, therefore making reading fun.

Burleson 76028 · $40/hour · teaches Grammar - Spelling
Spelling came easy for me, and I enjoyed leaning to spell. I learned phonetics as part of my speech therapy curriculum in college. I am becoming more familiar with phonics as I help my youngest grandson with his...

Dallas 57529 · $40/hour · teaches Spelling - Elementary Math
Spelling is a fun subject to teach at any level. When a student spells the word they have struggled with correctly for the first time and you can see the gleam in their eye of accomplishment it melts my heart.

Tawas City 48763 · $30/hour · teaches Reading - Spelling - Elementary Math
For instance, I can program kids spelling words into a computer to learn their words. I have dozens of software programs in math, reading, comprehension, spelling, states and capitols and utilize a very energetic...

Medford 97501 · $35/hour · teaches SAT Writing - Spelling - ACT English - Elementary
Due to this experience in writing and researching, I have acquired some expertise in writing, grammar, and spelling. I worked as an online writing tutor with Liberty University for ten months.

Aberdeen 28315 · $50/hour · teaches Phonics - Reading
I teach all of my students 5 spelling words per week. They are provided ample strategies to store the spelling into their memories. These strategies included auditory, tactile, music, and visuals to memorize each...

Tustin 49688 · $50/hour · teaches Reading - Spelling
I have a small amount of experience in tutoring elementary-level reading, spelling, and math but am confident enough in my abilities to tutor a variety of ages. I am well versed in spelling...

Walls 38680 · $65/hour · teaches English - Spelling
From elementary school all the way through college and while pursuing a Master's Degree I was great at writing, proofreading and spelling. I won spelling bees and made the Honor Roll many times from elementary...

Bay City 54723 · $50/hour · teaches Grammar - Reading - Elementary (K-6th) - Phonics
I am a spelling fanatic and former spelling champ! I use Spaulding's phonograms to help kids see and hear the chunks that lead to spelling and reading success. Let's talk!

Blytheville 72315 · $65/hour · teaches English - Spelling - Elementary Math -
...spelling, vocabulary, comprehension and fluency. I understand and address learning differences. I am certified in kindergarten-6th grade in all subjects, K-college in reading (reading specialist)...