Found 3715 spelling tutors – page 9 of 372.

Tricia F.

Marshall 73056 · $40/hour · teaches Reading - Spelling

I have an excellent vocabulary and spelling stems from that. I also work with students on spelling using games, repetition exercises and other strategies that have shown success.

 is a certified tutor certified
Jacinda L.

Bristol 37620 · $45/hour · teaches Phonics - Handwriting

I enjoy all subjects but I do enjoy teaching basic skills, reading, phonics, spelling, and handwriting. I find tutoring very rewarding and I feel that I making a difference in the world.

 is a certified tutor certified
Suzanne S.

Merced 95340 · $29/hour · teaches Phonics - Spelling

I worked at the Napa District of Education and tutored children in Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Study Skills, along with Math. I have also helped adults who wanted to become more proficient in English.

 is a certified tutor certified
Annie M.

Perry 31069 · $50/hour · teaches English - Spelling

I believe that students should not only spell the words, but utilize them in their writing. This helps them to know the word rather than just spelling it. In addition, it develops writing skills.

 is a certified tutor certified
Winter G.

Stephenville 76401 · $35/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint - Autodesk

I have two children that struggled daily with school work spelling was one of our biggest monsters we seemed to face. I developed multiple ways to help them understand not only how to spell but how spelling...

 is a certified tutor certified
Allyson R.

Dudley 01571 · $40/hour · teaches Spelling

As an elementary educator I can also help with spelling. I find tutoring so rewarding. Seeing the "light bulbs" turn on when a student finally understands something makes it all worth it.

 is a certified tutor certified
Martin F. · Ph.D. in Biology

Newark 19702 · teaches Science, Spelling, SQL, Statistics, Study Skills, Technical

Master's Degree, Biology & Education, May 1998 State University of New York, New Paltz, New York Bachelor's Degree, Animal Science & Natural Resource Mgmt., May 1995, Rutgers University, New Brunswick...

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 3 years and 10 months
Regan W.

San Antonio 78254 · $40/hour · teaches Proofreading - Spelling - Handwriting

I love helping kids learn how to write, spell, and learn vocabulary words. I have an interest in English and have always excelled in grammar, vocabulary, and proofreading. I wrote many papers during my undergrad...

 is a certified tutor certified
Mary E.

Jackson 95642 · $60/hour · teaches Grammar - French - Reading - Writing - English -

I favor an explicit style when tutoring spelling, helping students think critically about spelling patterns: i.e. Why is”carrot” spelled with “c” rather than “k”? Contact me to schedule a...

 is a certified tutor certified
Joan P.

Sudbury 01776 · $80/hour · teaches SSAT - Spelling

I have tutored 4th through 8th graders in reading comprehension, writing, grammar, and spelling. My experience includes tutoring for the SAT, SSAT/ISEE, PARCC, and MCAS tests. I have also tutored students at...

 is a certified tutor certified