Found 2865 statistics tutors – page 3 of 287.

Lucas Ferrando Q. · Masters in Aerospace Engineering

Daytona Beach 32114 · $75/hour · teaches Science, Statistics, Thermodynamics

I also have knowledge of SAT and ACT Math, as well as geometry, linear algebra, probability and statistics. I believe that in order to make people really understand math concepts, a tutor must go to the very basics.

 is a certified tutorGreen Apple award Green Apple award, certified, member for 6 years and 1 month
Sadia Asif S. · Bachelor in Math/Sociology/Education

Orlando 32822 · $50/hour · teaches Spelling, Statistics, Study Skills, Swimming

Ms. Siddiqui, as the Area Director of ClubZ! Tutoring brings a wealth of experience, leadership, and industry knowledge. With over a decade’s worth of involvement in the Educational Services Industry, Ms.

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 1 year and 5 months
John B. · Masters in Mathematics

San Francisco 94102 · $200/hour · teaches SAT II, Statistics, Trigonometry, Vector

M.Sc. in Mathematics Graduate Statistician of the Royal Statistical Society 99th percentile scores on GRE (170q/167v), GMAT (770), and LSAT (175) Years of successful experience tutoring math, statistics...

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 8 years and 1 month
Team Brainiac

Redford 48240 · $40/hour · teaches SSAT, Statistics, Study Skills, Term Paper, TOESL

Our tutors have college degrees and/or advanced degrees in various majors. We have years of teaching and/or tutoring experience with elementary to college students. Brainiac tutors have received outstanding references...

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 7 years and 10 months
Martin F. · Ph.D. in Biology

Newark 19702 · teaches SQL, Statistics, Study Skills, Technical Writing, Tennis

I have been tutoring and teaching college, high school, and school age students in all areas of Science, Math, Statistics, Test Preparation, and English and Writing (I have had a number of articles and photographs...

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 3 years and 9 months
Shane Y. · Bachelor in Meteorology

Altamonte Springs 32714 · $20/hour · teaches Science, Statistics, Trigonometry

BS in meteorology at OU with minor in mathematics, completed coursework towards an MS in meteorology at Florida State (no thesis). Taught introduction to meteorology lab at FSU for three semesters.

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 6 years and 6 months
Joshua E.

Green Bay 54304 · teaches Spelling, Statistics, Study Skills, Trigonometry, Vector

We come to you whether that is in home or virtually - we work one on one for an individualized learning experience. We are a proven company for 25 years and we see a two-letter improvement within just 60-days.

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 2 months
Aaron M. · Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering

Atlanta 30339 · $50/hour · teaches Spelling, Statistics, Technical Writing

Graduated May 2020 and have been working in the industry (material handling) since then.

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 2 months
Club Z! Tutoring Bethesda · Masters degree

Bethesda 20817 · teaches Spelling, Statistics, Study Skills, Trigonometry, Vector

Club Z! Tutoring is the largest in-home tutoring service in the United States with over 450 locations nationwide and over 300,000 students served since 1996. As an academic solutions provider, we offer customized...

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 3 years and 1 month
Zareh D. · Ph.D. in Chemistry

Fresno 93704 · $50/hour · teaches Spelling, Statistics, Trigonometry, USMLE, Vocabulary

I also coach in my acadmic specialties: Quantum Chemistry/Phhysics , Statistical, Mechanics, Kinetcs, and Quantum Dynamics. Degrees I have obtained: Ph.D. M.S. B.S. (honors) (Univ California Davis) 1 year of...

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 16 years and 11 months