Found 16679 study skills tutors – page 10 of 1668.

Robert P.

Lincoln 68506 · $40/hour · teaches Biology - Anatomy - Physiology - Ecology

One thing that I see many students today struggle with, is adapting the study skills and habits that they have built over their K-12 career to fit into University-level courses. I often this transitionary period as...

 is a certified tutor certified
Joseph K.

Chicago 60661 · $30/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Biology - Chemistry - Prealgebra -

Hello students! I am a current pre-med student studying psychology at the University of Illinois Chicago. I have years of experience in studying various subjects, test-taking, and learning challenging material.

 is a certified tutor certified
Travis M.

Naples 34110 · $40/hour · teaches Social Studies - Political Science

I also have taught test taking strategies, study skills and social personal skills at the middle and high school level. Archeology was my first major in college, but graduated with it as a minor...

 is a certified tutor certified
Abdelhakim M. · Masters degree

Ancona 60125 · $30/hour · teaches ACT, Anatomy, Arabic, Biochemistry, Biology

During my undergraduate studies, I participated in teaching and learning programs that prepared me to implement research-validated teaching and learning strategies into the learning process.

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 1 month
Kathleen M.

Venice 34293 · $50/hour · teaches Study Skills - Elementary Math - Elementary

I'm always looking for engaging ways to challenge my students while also making sure they master all the skills and content necessary to be highly successful. This may include creating games to review or practice...

 is a certified tutor certified
Jackie K.

Syracuse 13210 · $125/hour · teaches Study Skills - Anatomy - Physiology -

...and together we can work together to develop an individualized study plan based on your timeline and resources. After creating a study plan, we can work together on study skills...

 is a certified tutor certified
Donna B.

Hudson 28638 · $60/hour · teaches Study Skills - Writing - SAT Reading -

I previously taught Social Emotional Life Skills Class and General Curriculum K-5th Grade. I taught K-6th Grade Special Education for 8 years. I have taught grades PreK-7th Grade. I am going on my 13th year teaching...

 is a certified tutor certified
Sandy W.

Abingdon 21009 · $50/hour · teaches Study Skills - Sign Language

Randolph Macon College, Asian Studies Greetings! I am a graduate of Randolph-Macon College. I have a Bachelor of Science in Asian studies and minors in studio art and history.

 is a certified tutor certified
Susan S.

Steger 60475 · $30/hour · teaches Study Skills - Special Needs - Autism Spectrum

...oral language and study skills. I developed and taught Study Skills for 2nd to 7th grade students at Prairie State College during their Kids at College summer program for 4 years. I also have taught study...

 is a certified tutor certified
Julia K.

Denver 80237 · $100/hour · teaches Study Skills - Career Development - Sociology

Wesleyan University, American Studies I know school can feel stressful. I know many students have lots of commitments, busy schedules, and competing priorities that pull them in many directions.

 is a certified tutor certified