Found 16680 study skills tutors – page 29 of 1668.

Sharon K.

Buffalo 14223 · $75/hour · teaches Study Skills - Writing - Geography - English

SUNY Buffalo, Int'l Studies SUNY Buffalo, MEd Rawlings School of Divinity, Enrolled Hi, I'm Sharon! I have over a decade of full-time experience teaching students ages nine...

 is a certified tutor certified
Gioia D.

Denville 07834 · $100/hour · teaches Study Skills - Genetics - Homeschool

Remote students from all over NJ and other parts of the US utilize my blended learning teaching skills through a virtual portal that is a true virtual classroom. Please inquire if you are interested in speaking...

 is a certified tutor certified
Tammy P. · Masters in Reading Education

Pittston 18640 · $45/hour · teaches Study Skills, Vocabulary, Writing

I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from the Pennsylvania State University and my Master's Degree in Reading from Marywood College. In addition, I have taught 5th and 6th grade reading...

 is a certified tutorGreen Apple award Green Apple award, certified, member for 1 year and 4 months
Rachel M.

Pittsburgh 15232 · $70/hour · teaches Study Skills - Anatomy - Fitness

My best success as a student was understanding how to study, having excellent time management skills, and making sure I really understood the information at a deeper level past memorization.

 is a certified tutor certified
Alyssa W.

Mason City 50401 · $35/hour · teaches European History - Psychology - World History -

...and women's and gender studies. I received my BA degree in Anthropology (with minors in History and Women's and Gender Studies) from the University of Northern Iowa in 2010. Also, I completed one semester (Fall...

 is a certified tutor certified
Tara A.

Harrisburg 17102 · $105/hour · teaches Study Skills - Writing - English -

Indeed, writing is a specialized skill, but it is not one we are either born able to do or not. Just like all forms of communication, each of us is capable of doing it. How good we are; how comfortable we are;

 is a certified tutor certified
Tatiana Z.

Trenton 30752 · $60/hour · teaches Grammar - German - English - Italian - Russian

For example, I will use games, interactive conversational lessons, fun warm up tasks, case studies, and even riddles. We will use authentic materials as well. You will learn conversational skills, formal writing skills...

 is a certified tutor certified
Patrick C.

Johnson City 37604 · $50/hour · teaches Social Studies - Logic

My college education had me reading and writing everyday and from there I developed skills/methods to read, write, and study exceptionally well (3.87 GPA, Summa Cum Laude). My undergraduate background also heavily...

 is a certified tutor certified
Dondei D.

Santa Fe 87505 · $100/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Spanish - Writing

These concentrations honed my writing and language skills. My Spanish studies taught me how to make successful inferences about language, while my Government studies gave me critical research, proofreading...

 is a certified tutor certified
Nathan L.

Bogart 30622 · $75/hour · teaches Study Skills - Elementary Math

Additionally, my unique experience has also given me an opportunity to teach a Basic Study Skills class, which helps students learn and practice executive functioning skills. Students are able to understand how...

 is a certified tutor certified