Found 384 table tennis tutors – page 6 of 39.

Paul R.

Long Beach 90814 · $25/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Microsoft Excel - Managerial

I also feel confident that I can help any age students learn how to better use Excel and use advanced formulas, Pivot Tables, and shortcuts. Given my lengthy experience in the field and my love for math...

 is a certified tutor certified
Alma M.

Houston 77075 · $55/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Spanish - ESL/ESOL - Spelling

In third grade, students are taught multiplications so it is important that students learn their multiplication tables (1-12). Students are also taught addition and multiplication properties (associate, commutative...

 is a certified tutor certified
Pritham P.

Gainesville 32608 · $35/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - American History - Precalculus -

At Mathnasium, there were tables with 5 to 6 students. Each student would either be at the same math level or slightly higher or lower and 1 tutor would be assigned to each table.

 is a certified tutor certified
Angela C.

Brooklyn 11215 · $60/hour · teaches Microsoft Excel - Theater

...pivot tables, recording macros, etc.. At my last position, I trained colleagues how to export data from our database and build pivot tables, and took great pride in my pro-active actions to help them.

 is a certified tutor certified
Daniel R.

Alexandria 22314 · $50/hour · teaches German - Italian

University of Illinois in Champaign, Teaching of German All too often learning a foreign language becomes about repetition and memorizing tables. My philosophy is you have to love learning the language: music...

 is a certified tutor certified
Habib D · Masters in Engieering Science

Leola 17540 · $30/hour · teaches P, Tennis, Thermodynamics, Time Management

Penn State Alumni with M.S degree in Engineering Science and Computer Info System in 1995. and being certified in Mentor Consultant in2008 Penn State University Park , Certified Professional Writer& Educational...

 is a certified tutorGreen Apple award Green Apple award, certified, member for 8 years and 4 months
Paul S.

Dennis 02638 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus - Chemistry -

It was a workshop environment, and I would work with students in multiple courses at the same time, moving from study table to study table. Again, it was enjoyable and rewarding.

 is a certified tutor certified
Eric H.

Staten Island 10309 · $50/hour · teaches Microsoft Excel - Microsoft Word - Microsoft

Excel is a great tool for building spreadsheets whether it is for budgeting or tables. Excel provides its user's formulas to do simple mathematic equations or more complex pivot tables.

 is a certified tutor certified
Carlos R.

Orlando 32819 · $240/hour · teaches World History

I have served three years as table leader, one year as early table leader at the read, and last year I served as a question leader. I am the only Question leader for College Board in my county in AP World History...

 is a certified tutor certified
Cal H.

Keswick 22947 · $59/hour · teaches Microsoft Excel - SQL - Microsoft Access

I can create complex multi-table queries, functions, subqueries, stored procedures and database connections. EXCEL I have been using MS Excel for over 20 years. I have mastered complex formulas and functions...

 is a certified tutor certified