Found 11057 time management tutors – page 446 of 1106.
Bakersfield 93312 · $90/hour · teaches ACT Reading - ACT English - Elementary Math -
...a Federal Women’s Program Manager; a member of the Golden Key Honor Society; President of Texas College Student Section of Texas Music Educators Association; a Quality Circle leader; a radio announcer for KNON 90.

Los Angeles 90089 · $90/hour · teaches Grammar - Spanish - Statistics - English -
I earned my Master's degree from the University of Southern California and a professional certificate in financial management. I am currently pursuing my PhD at the University of Southern California...

San Jose 95120 · $100/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Geometry - Physics -
I have served in a variety of engineering and senior management positions in firms like Google, HP and several startups for the past 20 years and release iconic products such as the first digital TV, Google Glass...

Portland 97205 · $75/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - American History - Biology -
Manager of Analytics at Nike, I’m an expert at Tableau, SQL, Python, & Alteryx. It’s my passion to help analytics professionals learn and move upward in their careers or support small/medium-sized businesses...

Rowlett 75088 · $40/hour · teaches Vocabulary - European History - Reading - Writing -
My advisor, however, urged me to remove the chapter in order to keep things manageable. And when I taught Rhetoric at UTD, I often drew upon novels (V. Grossman), poetry (P. Celan), plays (WIesel)...

Atlanta 30345 · $100/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - ACT Reading - ACT English - ACT Math -
University of Georgia, Risk Management Middle Georgia State University, Masters Hello! My name is Michael and I'm passionate about equipping students with the tools they need to succeed...

Bowling Green 42101 · $60/hour · teaches Microsoft Excel - General Computer - Elementary
My courses in Computer Programming, Networking, and Database Management have prepared me for various scenarios in the IT field.

Seminole 33772 · $60/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Phonics - Reading - Study Skills -
I highlight gains and help students to maximize their strengths and improve upon cognitive weaknesses, resulting in coursework becoming easier to manage and giving students that needed lift.

Easton 06612 · $65/hour · teaches Biology - Chemistry - Study Skills - Psychology -
This involved large group instruction on various religious topics and required classroom management, problem-solving, and instructional skills. I was a CPR instructor for 3 years and maintain the certification.

New York 10075 · $60/hour · teaches American History - Grammar - European History -
My classroom management philosophy is simple: the teacher must be consistently insistent. My students know the expectations by heart, because I am the same person every single class.