Found 32 TOESL tutors – page 1 of 4.

Johnson J. · Ph.D. in Medicine

Milwaukee 53202 · teaches TOEFL, TOESL, Typing, Vocabulary, Web Page Design, Web Site

Dr. Johnson is a professor of online courses in Medicine, Health, Nursing, Allied Health, Professional Communication, Forensics, Natural Medicine, and Healthcare Informatics that he has taught for over 12 years.

Red Apple award Red Apple award, member for 10 years and 7 months
Matthew H. · Bachelor degree

Cleveland 44114 · $120/hour · teaches TOEFL, TOESL, Trigonometry, Typing, Vocabulary

May I be a personal tutor for you or your child? I have been successfully tutoring for over 12 years. I have some glowing letters of recommendation, and among the highest ratings in this region.

Red Apple award Red Apple award, member for 12 years and 1 month
Team Brainiac

Redford 48240 · $40/hour · teaches Term Paper, TOESL, Trigonometry, Vector Calculus

Our tutors have college degrees and/or advanced degrees in various majors. We have years of teaching and/or tutoring experience with elementary to college students. Brainiac tutors have received outstanding references...

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 7 years and 11 months
Altini Y. (River Oaks) · Bachelor in Spanish

League City 77573 · $40/hour · teaches TOEFL, TOESL, Elementary Math, Spanish (native

Hi there! I'd love for you to consider me as your or your child’s next tutor! I've spent the past 5 years helping students mainly in the subjects of math (up to college algebra), Spanish (all levels) & English as...

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 9 years and 9 months
Victor C.

Ashland 97520 · $15/hour · teaches Spelling, TOESL, Vocabulary, DMV Exam, Spanish

AAS Degree; also 2 years of medical college at Xavier University in Bogota, Colombia. At medical college all the coursework was in Spanish and since a requirement for graduation included a certain amount of English...

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 11 years and 11 months
Isabella W.

Rockville 20852 · $30/hour · teaches French - ESL/ESOL - TOEFL

I look forward to working with any clients who are interested in tutoring for French or TOESL. I like to adapt my lessons to the student's learning style and have flexible hours. If you have any questions...

 is a certified tutor certified

Puttalam 61300 · $20/hour · teaches TOEFL, TOESL, Typing, Vocabulary, Volleyball

Lincoln University College Reading Bachelor of Education National Institute of Education Sri Lanka 2013 - 2016 National Diploma in English My primary reason why I have decided to pursue this career is because...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 4 years and 5 months
Addie W. · Masters in Chemistry

Los Angeles 90036 · $50/hour · teaches TOEFL, TOESL, Trigonometry, Vector Calculus

My goal is to help students get through their courses. It would be wonderful if students enjoyed learning every subject all the time, but this simply is not reality. I help students maximize their time.

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 2 years and 3 months
Thomas S. · Bachelor in English

South Weymouth 02190 · $30/hour · teaches TOEFL, TOESL, Essay Writing, Elementary

I earned my Bachelor's in English Literature from Boston College, and my Master's Certificate in TEFL from Via Lingua in Florence Italy. I received my master’s-level TEFL certification in Florence, Italy...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 7 years and 8 months
Gary V. · Certificate in Tesol

Nutley 07110 · $25/hour · teaches TOEFL, TOESL, IELTS , TOEIC

I successfully passed the 120-hour TESOL course. Online (only) English (ESL) tutor with over a decade of experience. I also specialize in IELTS & TOEFL exam and interview preparation.

member for 6 years and 3 months