Found 4190 trigonometry tutors – page 326 of 419.

Blake S.

Berkeley 94710 · $120/hour · teaches Study Skills - Trigonometry - Writing - Statistics

Stanford University, Bioengineering Stanford University, Other Hi there! My name is Blake. I am a graduate of Stanford University with an M.S. in Earth Systems and a B.S. in Bioengineering.

 is a certified tutor certified
Courtney K.

Woodland 95695 · $150/hour · teaches Precalculus - Trigonometry - SAT Math - ACT Math -

University of Utah, Mathematics Rensselaer Polytechnic Institue, Masters I earned a Master's degree in Mathematics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York and have taught and tutored...

 is a certified tutor certified
Nidhi R.

Avenel 07001 · $55/hour · teaches Prealgebra - Trigonometry - Anatomy - Physiology -

Hi! My name is Nidhi, and I'm a biomedical engineering major at Rutgers-New Brunswick on the premed track with a 4.0 GPA. I took the SAT twice, once in March of 2023 and once in June of 2023, and have gotten a 1580...

 is a certified tutor certified
Robert B.

Delray Beach 33446 · $75/hour · teaches Precalculus - Trigonometry - SAT Math - SAT

Stanford University, BSME UCLA, MBA In addition to a strong academic background (BSME from Stanford University and MBA from UCLA) and extensive business experience, I have been tutoring...

 is a certified tutor certified
Nathan A.

Grand Junction 81504 · $85/hour · teaches Precalculus - Trigonometry - Statistics - SAT

Mesa State College (Colorado Mesa University), Mathematics University of Colorado - Denver, Graduate Coursework Colorado State Univeristy, Graduate Coursework Welcome!

 is a certified tutor certified

Los Angeles 90024 · $225/hour · teaches Precalculus - Trigonometry - ACT Math - ACT

UCLA, Masters UCLA, PhD I am a dedicated and passionate Science Educator with over 10 years of experience, specializing in Chemistry and Physics at both high school and college levels.

 is a certified tutor certified
Gregory I.

Natrona Heights 15065 · $54/hour · teaches Study Skills - Trigonometry - Astronomy -

The Pennsylvania State University, Chemical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University, PhD Hello, my name is Gregory, and I graduated with an honors degree in chemical engineering and a minor...

 is a certified tutor certified
Daniel J.

Philadelphia 19123 · $120/hour · teaches Precalculus - Trigonometry - Statistics - SAT

West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Mathematics University of Pittsburgh, Masters Thank you to all my students, for continually allowing me to enhance your mathematics experience...

 is a certified tutor certified
Nenad Z.

San Francisco 94131 · $90/hour · teaches Precalculus - Trigonometry - Statistics - SAT

UC Berkeley, undergrad UC Davis, Graduate Coursework I am a professional tutor in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. In 2007, I received a B.S in Chemistry from UC Berkeley with honors and since then...

 is a certified tutor certified
Joe V.

Folsom 95630 · $99/hour · teaches Study Skills - Trigonometry - SAT Math - GED - ACT

University of the Pacific, Mech. Engineering Hi everyone! My name is Joe, and teaching is my passion. I teach classes 5 days a week, from Elementary Math to Calculus, and provide life coaching.

 is a certified tutor certified