Found 114 trumpet tutors – page 1 of 12.

Dorian M.

Cherry Hill 08003 · $90/hour · teaches Trombone - Trumpet - Microsoft Windows

Rowan University - Music Education, Music Education Miami University of Ohio - Trumpet Performance, Masters Miami of Ohio University - Trumpet Performance, Masters Dorian has lived...

 is a certified tutor certified
Erin H.

Wakefield 02879 · $40/hour · teaches Proofreading - Trumpet well as a minor in Trumpet Performance. I am currently teaching English at a charter high school in Northern Rhode Island, and am actively performing on the trumpet with the American Band as well as freelance...

 is a certified tutor certified
Josh M.

Natchitoches 71457 · $40/hour · teaches General Music - Trumpet

It didn’t take long for my love of the trumpet to take over, and as a result I placed in the District 3 Honor Band 6 years consecutively, I placed in the Louisiana All-State group, as well as earning 2...

 is a certified tutor certified
Aric K.

Los Angeles 90019 · $70/hour · teaches Trombone - Trumpet - Film - French Horn

Eastman School of Music, Performance UCLA (University of California Los Angeles), Masters Hello, I'm Aric! I am a freelance trumpet player, and teacher. I am a graduate of the Eastman School of...

 is a certified tutor certified
Steffi T.

Harrisonburg 22801 · $50/hour · teaches General Music - Trumpet

Oklahoma State University, Trumpet Perf., Econ University of Hartford, Masters James Madison University, Enrolled Hello! I'm a passionate trumpet...

 is a certified tutor certified
Laura M.

Waxahachie 75165 · $45/hour · teaches General Music - Trumpet - STAAR

I started teaching myself trumpet in Kindergarten. I learned by listening to a cassette tape, and following the directions. Since music runs in my family I was able to learn and grow in my knowledge of music.

 is a certified tutor certified
Simone T.

Somerville 02145 · $60/hour · teaches General Music - Trumpet

New England Conservatory, Jazz Trumpet Simone Trovato is a trumpet player, composer and educator. His music is rooted in the jazz tradition but being a versatile musician he plays also classical, pop...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ricky W.

Petaluma 94952 · $35/hour · teaches Trumpet

Petaluma High School class of 2016; I will only be in town until August. In addition to music, I am an extremely dedicated student with a 4.15 GPA and an overall friendly person. In addition to leading the trumpet...

 is a certified tutor certified
Bill R.

Mulino 97042 · $50/hour · teaches Music Theory - Trumpet

I have been giving trumpet lessons for the last 30 years. I have taught elementary students through college students. I enjoy seeing students learning to enjoy playing and overcoming challenges.

 is a certified tutor certified
Ray R.

Carriere 39426 · $20/hour · teaches Trumpet

University of Southern Mississippi, Bachelor of Music Ed N/A, Other N/A, Other I have 8+ years of experience on the trumpet (that is close to half of my life!

 is a certified tutor certified