Found 5323 us history tutors – page 141 of 533.

Marcie E.

West Palm Beach 33417 · $70/hour · teaches American History - Vocabulary - Grammar -

Brooklyn College, Elementary Education Hunter College, Masters Learn TEFL, Other I am a Certified Teacher of Elementary Education, Special Education and Early Childhood.

 is a certified tutor certified
Kennedy B.

Petersburg 23805 · $18/hour · teaches Vocabulary

I have tutored students in every subject (math, science, history, geography, English), so I am able to tutor in any subject K-12. Whether you are looking for a tutor to regularly meet with, or just to help with...

 is a certified tutor certified
Edward W.

Prescott 86303 · $45/hour · teaches History - Vocabulary - Grammar - European

Dartmouth College, English Literature Southern Methodist University, Masters Southern Methodist University, Masters From Parents of Student - Our experience with Ed W. was exceptional.

 is a certified tutor certified
Zach R.

Pearl 39208 · $40/hour · teaches Writing - Literature - Proofreading

Additionally, I have experience in helping students prepare for the written portions of several AP exams including Lang, US History, and World History. Along with valuing the importance of developing students'...

 is a certified tutor certified
Anne S.

Rochester 14606 · $140/hour · teaches Study Skills - Career Development - College

Bates College, History Western Illinois University, Masters I have 30+ years of experience running career centers at a few of the best colleges and universities in the country.

 is a certified tutor certified
Jere S.

Sparta 49345 · $40/hour · teaches Business - Career Development - Marketing

I began college with aspirations to become a high school history teacher. Life happens which caused me to abandon that plan and shift to "Plan B". I began working in the warehouse and making deliveries...

 is a certified tutor certified
Nicola E.

South Bend 46617 · $40/hour · teaches European History - Literature - Italian

In my long academic career I could get deep in several majors (Italian literature and linguistic, history of Italy/Europe, history of European Art), and minors (music, history of music).

 is a certified tutor certified
Daniel Z.

Traverse City 49684 · $40/hour · teaches American History - Financial Accounting

3 college level American History courses 12 years of football experience plus time studying the game and theories behind the game once I finished playing

 is a certified tutor certified
James P.

Pottsville 72858 · $35/hour · teaches Art History

Florida State University, Art History University of South Carolina, Masters University of Oklahoma, PhD Hello. I've been teaching college students for more than 20 years.

 is a certified tutor certified
Troy G.

Strasburg 22657 · $30/hour · teaches American History

Shepherd University, Political Science Hello! Happy to help any grade. I have tutor levels between elementary to high school. I work at an elementary school and pull groups for this purpose on a daily basis.

 is a certified tutor certified