Found 5323 us history tutors – page 473 of 533.

Sam K.

Olympia 98501 · $100/hour · teaches History - Biology - Vocabulary - Grammar - European

University of Michigan, Environmental Studies Seas, Masters Hi, my name is Sam Kaiser. I attend the University of Michigan in a Sustainability and Development graduate program.

 is a certified tutor certified
Carl S.

Cornelius 28031 · $65/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Chemistry - Physics - SAT

I graduated from Davidson magna cum laude in 2021, with a double major in physics and art history. I'm particularly grateful to my Davidson professors for the dedication and care they took in my academic growth...

 is a certified tutor certified
David E.

Brattleboro 05301 · $135/hour · teaches Adobe Lightroom

University of Washington, Comparative History David is a professional photographer, photojournalist, and photo instructor, with over a decade of national and international experience.

 is a certified tutor certified
Elise S.

San Diego 92119 · $35/hour · teaches American History - Biology - English - Literature

I've tutored Algebra 1 and 2, as well as High School American history. I was an English peer tutor as well. I have a lot of experience helping simplify concepts and promoting understanding.

 is a certified tutor certified
Katherine L.

Pompano Beach 33064 · $50/hour · teaches American History - Spanish - Government &

In addition, I taught 8th-grade American History. After seven years teaching middle school Social Studies, I was fortunate to transition to a local high school, where I began teaching Advanced Placement U.S. History.

 is a certified tutor certified
Enrique R.

Edison 08817 · $63/hour · teaches History - Geometry - World History

I have also taught both Global History and American History (though at a private high school so the curriculum was slightly different than that of a public high school).

 is a certified tutor certified
Logan W.

Pittsburgh 15218 · $50/hour · teaches Writing - Literature - LSAT - SAT Reading

Given that I have specialized in Political Science, History, and Law at Stanford -- as well as have sustained a life-long love of literature -- those subjects inform my skills as a tutor.

 is a certified tutor certified
Tim D.

Riverview 33579 · $45/hour · teaches History - European History - World

It is very rare when a person can love their job as much as I do, and also have the opportunity to train others on the importance of History or the tradecraft of Intelligence Analysis successfully.

 is a certified tutor certified
Rob L.

Florence 41042 · $40/hour · teaches History - European History - Writing - World

Thomas More College, History and English University of Cincinnati, Masters University of Kentucky, Masters I love to write and have a B.A. in English and history...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kimberly R.

New York 10031 · $50/hour · teaches European History - Writing - English - SAT Reading

History, of course, is greatly intertwined with theology (my graduate field of study) and the history of various faiths. My approach to getting students to better understand history is the same as that of my favorite...

 is a certified tutor certified