Found 2334 USMLE step tutors – page 83 of 234.

Jake S.

Milwaukee 53222 · $100/hour · teaches Biology

I adapt my teaching style to each student's individual needs, whether that means breaking down complex topics into smaller, manageable steps, providing practice multiple choice and free response questions...

 is a certified tutor certified
Frank L.

Gilroy 95020 · $30/hour · teaches Geometry - Physics

for example: I will simplify complicated ideas by using analogies or step-by-step problem-solving. Make sure students understand basic concepts before moving to advanced topics. Instead of giving solutions directly...

 is a certified tutor certified
Matthew M.

Jersey City 07304 · $40/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus - Geometry -

At The Pennsylvania State University, I was a mentor of organizations such as STEP-UP (Student Transition Engineering Program at University Park) and MEPO (Multi-Cultural Engineering Program Orientation) which...

 is a certified tutor certified
Scott M.

Mckinney 75071 · $80/hour · teaches European History - World History

As exam time approaches, I implement a step-by-step prep system to optimize performance and ensure confidence and success on the AP Exam. Here are the tutoring/workshops I offer, with subsequent sessions available...

 is a certified tutor certified
Daniel E.

Brooklyn 11249 · $175/hour · teaches Finance - Managerial Accounting - Financial

My tutoring approach is to first create a strong foundational base of knowledge and then apply those concepts to different practice problems step by step. I try to describe concepts in a few different ways...

 is a certified tutor certified
Suzie S.

New York 10019 · $65/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Microsoft Word - Writing -

Your goals are obtainable: step by step, with a plan. I truly love what I do. NOTE: I am an accent reduction SPECIALIST. Many people teach English/ESL. I will teach you how to move your mouth...

 is a certified tutor certified
David S.

Hockley 77447 · $25/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus - Microsoft Excel -

...and don't mind going through the problems step by step. I try to give illustrations when possible, and help students to understand how a rule might apply to a given problem. I want to make myself available...

 is a certified tutor certified
Anna P.

Los Angeles 90057 · $140/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - American History -

...I've broken down the test into a step-by-step, easy to understand process of problem solving skills. Having taught students of every age from kindergarten to adults and running an education non-profit...

 is a certified tutor certified
Alexandra W.

Los Angeles 90016 · $100/hour · teaches Writing - Proofreading - College Counseling

ESSAY PROCESS: My approach breaks the essay process into three steps: discovering, structuring, and polishing an essay story, and is tailored to individual strengths - whether students need brainstorming assistance...

 is a certified tutor certified
Eric M.

Rockville 20852 · $20/hour · teaches Java - Python

When I have to help students who are stuck on a programming concept, I work with them to reduce the problem or question into a few simple steps, then combine these steps into a more complex solution.

 is a certified tutor certified