Found 1207 tutors in Van Nuys, CA 91388 – page 13 of 121.

Adriana B.

Granada Hills 91344 · 7 miles from 91388 · $70/hour · teaches Spanish - Italian

UCN, undergrad Middlebury Collge, PhD Indiana University - Bloomingon, IN, Masters Hello, I have a BA in English, an MA in Education with a minor in Language Teaching.

 is a certified tutor certified
Jeff A.

Los Angeles 90049 · 8 miles from 91388 · $125/hour · teaches Physiology - Fitness

CU Boulder, CO, Kinesiology In the winter of 1991, while a full-time student at CU Boulder and skiing weekends in Vail, I also started working part-time as a fitness instructor at The PULSE Fitness Center.

 is a certified tutor certified
Farhad G.

Woodland Hills 91367 · 8 miles from 91388 · $30/hour · teaches Anatomy - Physiology -

Tehran University, Iran, Physical Therapy Anatomy, Tarbiat Modares University (Teacher Training University) in Tehran/Iran, Masters Anatomy,Tarbiat Modares University (Teacher Training...

 is a certified tutor certified
Randall M.

Woodland Hills 91364 · 8 miles from 91388 · $150/hour · teaches Writing

Yale, history UCLA, Masters Getting into a competitive college or graduate program has never been tougher. My background and my passion is in writing. It's how I make my living (as an award-winning...

 is a certified tutor certified
Jason G.

Woodland Hills 91364 · 8 miles from 91388 · $80/hour · teaches Grammar - Reading -

San Jose State University, economics University of San Francisco, Other I've been teaching high school for the Los Angeles County Office of Education for twenty years.

 is a certified tutor certified
Tom A.

North Hollywood 91602 · 7 miles from 91388 · $75/hour · teaches Ear Training - Piano

Anderson University, undergrad I've been playing piano since I was 12 years old. I was trained by ear, and I love to teach students the same way. I do think music theory is important, so I teach basic theory...

 is a certified tutor certified
Edward G.

Granada Hills 91344 · 7 miles from 91388 · $100/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Reading -

CSUN NORTHRIDGE, English CSUN NORTHRIDGE, Masters I received my Master's in English Literature and Composition with Departmental and University honors (Cum Laude) and have been an English...

 is a certified tutor certified
David D.

Woodland Hills 91364 · 8 miles from 91388 · $75/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar -

B.A. English, undergrad I have taught English and Creative Writing to grades three through twelve. I have also tutored high school and college students to write papers on literature.

 is a certified tutor certified
Gavin H.

Woodland Hills 91367 · 8 miles from 91388 · $100/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -

University of Hawaii at Manoa, Meteorology Mississippi State University, Masters Pennsylvania State University, Graduate Coursework I was born and raised in Los Angeles...

 is a certified tutor certified
Geraldine R.

Beverly Hills 90210 · 8 miles from 91388 · $50/hour · teaches French - Proofreading -

Brandeis University, undergrad French: My name is Geraldine. I am a native French speaker, having lived in France until the age of 11. I hold a Bachelor's degree in French and Francophone studies from Brandeis...

 is a certified tutor certified