Found 2338 tutors in Wayne, NJ 07470 – page 50 of 234.

Tanner F.

New York 10034 · 18 miles from 07470 · $75/hour · teaches Statistics - Probability - R -

Kansas State University, Economics University of California - Irvine, Masters Hiya! I’m Tanner, and I have a master’s in economics with a focus on labor and public economics and applied statistics.

 is a certified tutor certified
Ivan E.

New York 10033 · 18 miles from 07470 · $100/hour · teaches Art History - Art Theory

Northern Vermont University, Masters As a teacher I encourage students to build a solid foundation of understanding of perceptual rendering in drawing and painting as a basis to explorations of individual...

 is a certified tutor certified
Vivian C.

New York 10032 · 18 miles from 07470 · $60/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Prealgebra -

UC Davis, Biological Sciences Mercy College, Other Hi! My name is Vivian and I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy currently working as a performing arts PT on Broadway.

 is a certified tutor certified
Syed H.

New York 10034 · 18 miles from 07470 · $55/hour · teaches Chemistry - Physics -

Cornell University, Biology Columbia University, Masters Relay Graduate School of Education, Masters Despite being new to this platform, I bring a wealth of tutoring experience.

 is a certified tutor certified
Lauren V.

Morristown 07960 · 17 miles from 07470 · $70/hour · teaches Phonics - Reading - ESL/ESOL

Elon Univerity, North Carolina, Elementary Caspersen School of Graduate Studies at Drew University, MEd My name is Lauren V and I am currently a K-2 ESL/ML Teacher in NJ.

 is a certified tutor certified
Marilyn L.

New York 10033 · 18 miles from 07470 · $63/hour · teaches Grammar - English -

Hunter College, English University of Minnesota, Masters Let’s see if we can connect! I’ve taught high school and college including American and foreign students.

 is a certified tutor certified
Oohaa V.

New York 10023 · 18 miles from 07470 · $45/hour · teaches Biology - Chemistry -

`UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, Biology Johns Hopkins University, Masters Hi there, my name is Oohaa (means imagination)! With a master's degree in biotechnology from Johns Hopkins University and...

 is a certified tutor certified
Emmie B.

New York 10024 · 18 miles from 07470 · $90/hour · teaches American History - Writing -

Cornell Univerisity, Pre-law Hi! I’m Emmie, a sophomore at Cornell studying Industrial and Labor Relations on the pre-law track. As a current student, I can connect with students and engage them in the material...

 is a certified tutor certified
K' Stephanie G.

New York 10026 · 18 miles from 07470 · $60/hour · teaches Guitar - Theater

NYU Tisch, Drama Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Ordination, Other Masters of Education in Montessori Philosophy, MEd Kohenet/Priestess Serakh is an Ordained Kohenet Hebrew Priestess...

 is a certified tutor certified
David H.

New York 10033 · 18 miles from 07470 · $75/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -

Boston College, Mathematics Hi! I'm a seasoned math teacher and college/career access counselor with over 8 years of experience working with students. My passion lies in helping people build essential skills that...

 is a certified tutor certified