Found 2153 tutors in West Nyack, NY 10994 – page 31 of 216.

Syed H.

New York 10034 · 16 miles from 10994 · $55/hour · teaches Chemistry - Physics -

Cornell University, Biology Columbia University, Masters Relay Graduate School of Education, Masters Despite being new to this platform, I bring a wealth of tutoring experience.

 is a certified tutor certified
Diana S.

Bronx 10466 · 16 miles from 10994 · $85/hour · teaches Writing - English - Literature

NYU, english NYU, MEd I have been a creative writing workshop leader for young people at the Greenburgh Arts and Culture Committee in Westchester County , NY for the last 23 Years .

 is a certified tutor certified
Patrick B.

Pelham 10803 · 16 miles from 10994 · $45/hour · teaches American History - Vocabulary -

New York University, Individualized I am studying writing, statistics, and economics as part of an individualized study program with an economics minor and an Irish studies minor at NYU Gallatin.

 is a certified tutor certified
Bunie M.

New Rochelle 10801 · 16 miles from 10994 · $120/hour · teaches Biology - Chemistry -

St Leonard's, St Andrews, Scotland, Biology University of Reading, Reading, England, Masters St George's University, Grenada, West Indies, MD Hi, I’m Bunie...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ben G.

New York 10034 · 16 miles from 10994 · $45/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -

Swarthmore College, Mathematics City University of New York Graduate Center, PhD I'm Ben, a math tutor in New York City. I started tutoring my fellow students in college, and quickly found it...

 is a certified tutor certified
Jessica M.

New York 10034 · 16 miles from 10994 · $120/hour · teaches ESL/ESOL - TOEFL

Vassar College, Sociology City University of NY, Masters SUNY Purchase, Masters I am a visual artist who has been exhibiting my artwork across the US since 2010 and teaching since 2006.

 is a certified tutor certified
Badri S.

Leonia 07605 · 16 miles from 10994 · $100/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -

Susquehanna University, Comput Sci, Math BSE Duke University, Masters Carnege mellon University, Masters Hi, this is Badri and I’m happy for this opportunity to share with...

 is a certified tutor certified
Abibou M.

New Rochelle 10801 · 16 miles from 10994 · $45/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -

University of Houston, Computer Science I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics from the University of Houston. Additionally, I am an Oracle Certified Associate...

 is a certified tutor certified
Jonathan F.

Rye 10580 · 16 miles from 10994 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus -

Polytechnic University of NYU, Computer Science I have tutored computer science (coding/programming), math, and general computer skills for over 7 years. My students have ranged in age from 7 to over 77!

 is a certified tutor certified
Alex M.

New Rochelle 10801 · 16 miles from 10994 · $45/hour · teaches Calculus - SAT Math

• State University of New York, Stony Brook University, Mechanical Engineer Hello! My name is Alex Mei and I'm a current mechanical engineering student at Stony Brook University.

 is a certified tutor certified