Found 2321 tutors in White Plains, NY 10601 – page 206 of 233.

Jacob D.

Brooklyn 11215 · 28 miles from 10601 · $65/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -

Washington University in St Louis, Math and Comp Sci I'm Jacob! I have four years of experience providing informed, patient, and personally tailored mathematics instruction. Though my specialty is Calculus...

 is a certified tutor certified
Genevieve C.

Montclair 07042 · 28 miles from 10601 · $80/hour · teaches Phonics - Reading - Dyslexia

Barnard College, Anthropology Hunter University, Masters Drexel University, Other After earning my bachelor's degree at Barnard College/ Columbia University, I earned my Masters...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kevin J.

Brooklyn 11215 · 28 miles from 10601 · $35/hour · teaches Grammar - Writing - English -

I am a deeply experienced English teacher with a Master’s in Education and a Bachelor’s in English. I received my certification from the city of New York. I have taught hundreds of students in both classroom...

 is a certified tutor certified
Jennifer E.

Brooklyn 11231 · 28 miles from 10601 · $400/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar -

I'm an award-winning, internationally-bestselling author who has published four critically-acclaimed novels with major U.S. publishing houses, and whose work has been translated into 21 languages to date.

 is a certified tutor certified
Muzammil H. · MD in Medicine

New York 10001 · 23 miles from 10601 · $15/hour · teaches Anatomy, Biochemistry, Biology

MBBS from Nishtar Medical University Multan USMLE Step 1 USMLE Step 2 Hello, I'm Dr. Muzammil Hussain, and I am excited to join the TutorZ community. As a medical professional with a degree from Nishtar Medical...

member for 1 year and 1 month
Grant A.

Brooklyn 11213 · 27 miles from 10601 · $100/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Biology -

Lehman College, Chemistry University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine (Enrolled), MD With a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from CUNY Lehman College and an MD from the University of Miami...

 is a certified tutor certified
Alex E.

Brooklyn 11225 · 28 miles from 10601 · $170/hour · teaches SAT Math - SAT Writing - ACT

Sarah Lawrence College, Computer Science With 12 years of academic tutoring under my belt, I've specialized in the SAT and ACT for the past 8 years. In that time I've become a test prep expert, writing thousands of...

 is a certified tutor certified
Lara K.

Brooklyn 11217 · 27 miles from 10601 · $100/hour · teaches Art History - Art Theory -

Pratt Institute - Architecture, Architecture Pratt Institute - Industrial Design, Masters Danmark’s Designskole - Furniture Design, Other Lara is an Artist, Industrial Designer...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ashley M.

Brooklyn 11225 · 28 miles from 10601 · $100/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar -

University of Colorado, Elementary Education I graduated from the University of Colorado in Boulder with a degree in Elementary Education and Humanities. In my first teaching job, I taught in a unique homeschooling pod.

 is a certified tutor certified
Sebastian S.

Brooklyn 11217 · 27 miles from 10601 · $100/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -

University of California, Los Angeles, undergrad For the last eight years, I have worked as a full-time tutor for a private NYC tutoring agency. I have accumulated thousands of hours of experience.

 is a certified tutor certified