Found 11367 women's studies tutors – page 588 of 1137.

Stephen F.

Tampa 33606 · $45/hour · teaches Social Studies - Elementary Math - Common Core

University of South Florida, Bachelors St. Mary's University of Minnesota, MEd Franciscan University, MEd Hi, my name is Stephen. I previously taught math for Hillsborough County.

 is a certified tutor certified
Josilyn V.

Chicago 60615 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus - Physics -

I would be happy to print or bring resources for our meeting as long as I know what subject and topic you're looking to study.

 is a certified tutor certified
Chris H.

Milwaukee 53211 · $70/hour · teaches Physics

In my free time, I pursue creative passions including writing a sci-fi novel, maintaining a YouTube channel on science and science fiction, and studying narrative storytelling in video games.

 is a certified tutor certified
John F.

Pasadena 91105 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus - Geometry -

Georgetown University, Economics Georgetown University, Enrolled I graduated from Georgetown University in 2017 with a degree in economics (plus a minor in classical studies...

 is a certified tutor certified
Alexander C.

Hudson 44236 · $70/hour · teaches SAT Math - TOEFL - ACT Math - Macroeconomics -

6 After graduating, he pursued post graduate studies in the FALCON (Full-Year Asian Language Concentration) program, which consisted of a full year of intensive Mandarin studies, partly at the Cornell University...

 is a certified tutor certified
Darcy M.

Madison 35758 · $50/hour · teaches American History - Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading -

I graduated from UAB in 2011, and had the opportunity to study abroad in Spain. I attended La universidad de Jaén (Jaén University) in Jaén, Spain in May of 2011. When I started full time work after college...

 is a certified tutor certified
Nichole C.

Gainesville 65655 · $30/hour · teaches Writing - English - Proofreading - ESL/ESOL

Usually I have a certain amount of work that I deem as needing to get done, which is calculated to take about half the study time. Following this, should the work be completed satisfactorily, is a game that utilizes...

 is a certified tutor certified
Sydney M.

Ridgewood 07450 · $50/hour · teaches Study Skills - Writing - English - Psychology -

As a student researcher at Howard University, I've contributed to studies and presentations. I’m proud to say I’ve received 5-star reviews from clients, many of whom continue to work with me regularly.

 is a certified tutor certified
Gordon H.

Salt Lake City 84106 · $72/hour · teaches Grammar - Reading - Writing - English -

I have also studied philosophy, theology, politics, and history. I am committed to anti-racist teaching. If you are inspired to ask me even ONE question about my approach, or would like to set up a meeting time...

 is a certified tutor certified
William L.

Venice 34293 · $45/hour · teaches th) - Study Skills - Adobe InDesign - Desktop

As an adjunct faculty member at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, I taught English Composition, Studies in Rhetorical Theory, Business Communication, Technical Writing, and American Literature.

 is a certified tutor certified