Found 5738 word processing tutors – page 107 of 574.
Minonk 61760 · $25/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - English - HTML - Proofreading -
University of Illinois, undergrad Illinois State University, Normal, Other Kansas State University, Graduate Coursework I am currently an elementary computer lab aide/teacher.

Mobile 36695 · $55/hour · teaches Grammar - Literature - Proofreading
Contact me so we can begin that process!

Ocean Springs 39564 · $30/hour · teaches Anatomy
I love A&P and you will see that during the tutoring process. If you don't love the human body after I've tutored you, then I've failed you! If you want to learn anatomy in a way that others won't teach you...

York 17408 · $40/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Writing
I use Microsoft Word daily, but also have proficiency in WordPress, a popular platform for blogging/posting on websites. Please contact me through Wyzant so we can set up our first tutoring session!

Wilmington 28405 · $50/hour · teaches English - Literature
ESL/ESOL TOEFL in Process Certified North Carolina teaching licence Certified ESL Please feel free to contact me with your needs and concerns.

South Boston 24592 · $50/hour · teaches General Music - Piano
I discovered little tricks to help me with my own spelling skills, and now use them to teach others how to spell difficult words. I hold a B.M. and a B.S. in Music Education degrees.

Colorado Springs 80916 · $40/hour · teaches American History - Grammar - Geography -
I assist students in the writing process by communicating a variety of strategies. Through curriculum and instruction, I evaluate and assess students' competences. I also develop standard based lesson plans...

Horseheads 14845 · $50/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - English - Proofreading -
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Justice Studies University of Phoenix, Arizona, MEd I hold degrees in Computer Programming and Operations, and Justice Studies and English;

Lynchburg 24502 · $50/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Spelling
Please, thank you, your welcome, excuse me, and a kind word, go a long way. I believe in first things first. Introductions to a new person must always start at the beginning. And as we go along we get to know each other.

Canandaigua 14424 · $25/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Reading - Elementary Math -
Mansfield University (PA), undergrad Elmira College (M.S. in Education), EdD I have recently retired after teaching elementary school for 34 years. This includes 27 years of classroom teaching...