Found 5515 word processing tutors – page 384 of 552.

Lisa L.

Lawrenceville 30045 · $45/hour · teaches Phonics - Reading - ESL/ESOL - Social Studies -

...word and understanding its meaning. I also encourage students to read for pleasure on a daily basis and this can be incorporated into the lesson as well. I understand that everyone has a different style of...

 is a certified tutor certified
Michael F.

Dardanelle 72834 · $60/hour · teaches ACT English

In short, I have a very good understanding of the material as opposed to just having memorized the processes like you tend to learn in school. During that time I earned a 36 on my ACT, graduated with above a 4.0 GPA...

 is a certified tutor certified
Logan G.

Bloomington 47405 · $67/hour · teaches Biology

Along these lines, I am not answer focused but rather process focused. Anyone with the knowledge set can show someone the steps to obtain the answer, the value of a good tutor is showing the student how to come...

 is a certified tutor certified
Debra O.

Cincinnati 45246 · $45/hour · teaches Psychology

I try to be creative in teaching and tutoring by finding out the student's interests and bring it into the learning process and lesson planing. I prefer that students practice or demonstrate their knowledge of what...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ashley D.

State College 16801 · $40/hour · teaches Grammar - Prealgebra - Writing - Proofreading

I worked at the student writing center and students would bring in assignments of all subjects and at any point in the writing process. We would sit down for about 30-40 minutes and discuss the most important...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kate H.

Springfield 45503 · $40/hour · teaches Elementary (K-6th)

When it comes to teaching and learning, I pride myself in my ability to bring fun and creativity to the process. It is important to understand the learner and their their learning style, and cater to their needs when...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ashley F.

Greensboro 27409 · $40/hour · teaches Grammar - English - ESL/ESOL

I assign scaffolded lessons to ensure that every step in the process of learning comes with ease. As an inclusion and AP teacher, I have received training in differentiating instruction.

 is a certified tutor certified
Rachel R.

Gardiner 04345 · $65/hour · teaches English - ACT Reading

My favorite part of teaching was not just about the learning process, but also connecting with my students on an individual basis. I am proficient in teaching grammar, mechanics, reading comprehension...

 is a certified tutor certified
Mark L.

Bloomington 61704 · $35/hour · teaches English

My approach to tutoring is to help you simplify the process by working smarter, not harder. Throughout my years in school, I have mentored many undergraduates in composition, business, communications, and psychology.

 is a certified tutor certified
Joelle S. C.

San Antonio 78253 · $40/hour · teaches Social Studies

I have a love and a passion for the written word. I have studied English literature extensively and have taken a wide variety of writing courses, both of which I excelled at. I currently teach 5th grade writing...

 is a certified tutor certified