Found 5741 word processing tutors – page 524 of 575.

Joan M.

Phillipsburg 08865 · $50/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Reading - Writing - English -

Thomas Edison State College, Journalism I'm an experienced, published author with a BA/Journalism. I tutor students of all ages in reading, grammar, spelling, punctuation, content, help with writing assignments...

 is a certified tutor certified
Donald L.

Springfield 22153 · $100/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint -

Illinois Institute Of Technology, Aerospace Engineer George Mason University, MBA Are you tired of feeling a lack of confidence in math? Do you need to do well on an upcoming exam?

 is a certified tutor certified
Gregory M.

Wendell 01379 · $75/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Finance - Managerial Accounting -

Cambridge College, MA, MEd I offer over 30 years of accounting, finance and QuickBooks expertise and am prepared to provide an excellent tutoring experience. You will learn what you need and be confident...

 is a certified tutor certified
Oshi S.

Ann Arbor 48105 · $90/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint - English -

University of Mumbai, Engineering University of Michigan, Masters Hello, students and parents! I'm Oshita (Oshi), originally from India and living in Ann Arbor with my husband.

 is a certified tutor certified
Ramon B.

New York 10032 · $80/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint - Statistics

C.U.N.Y Lehman College, Exercise Science C.U.N.Y Lehman College, Masters Hello! I am Ramon and I am a recent Master's graduate of CUNY Lehman College, where I majored in Health Education and Promotion.

 is a certified tutor certified
Sharon B.

Charlotte 28226 · $60/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint - Reading -

ORU, Yes - B.A., Graduate Coursework Master Of Arts, Other More than 20 years teaching and training experience with all levels of students. I am committed to your success in learning what you need...

 is a certified tutor certified
Joshua H.

Grovetown 30813 · $35/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint - Reading -

Augusta State Univerisity, Communications I graduated from Augusta State University with a bachelor's degree in Communications and have completed courses in the Master of Arts in Teaching program.

 is a certified tutor certified
Nikita K.

Longwood 32779 · $105/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Prealgebra - Precalculus -

University of Florida, Anthropology I graduated from the University of Florida with a B.A. degree in Anthropology and am currently working as an Ayurvedic Health Practitioner. I have successfully passed...

 is a certified tutor certified
Andrea T.

Houston 77056 · $90/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Spanish - Study Skills - Writing -

Rice University, Sports Medicine and Exercise Physiology Brown University, Graduate Coursework I'm Andrea! I tutor in both regular and AP Chemistry, Algebra, Geometry, and Spanish.

 is a certified tutor certified
Mike P.

Winston Salem 27101 · $75/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Writing - Statistics -

Knox College, Psychology, Philosop York University, Masters University of Missouri, PhD I have experience teaching and advising research at renowned liberal arts colleges...

 is a certified tutor certified