Found 5741 word processing tutors – page 540 of 575.

Mathew N.

Houston 77006 · $60/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint - Prealgebra -

University of Houston (main campus), French Postdoc Neuroling Social Psych Université Catholique de l'Ouest (Angers), Graduate Coursework I am currently a freelance translator (e.

 is a certified tutor certified
Edna A.

Sunnyvale 94087 · $60/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint - Reading -

BA Hebrew U Jerusalem, Israel, English MA Hunter College NY, Masters DHL, JTS New York, Other My objectives are to teach Biblical and Modern Hebrew and literature as well as reading...

 is a certified tutor certified
James R.

Horseshoe Bend 72512 · $20/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Reading - English -

Kent State University, Industrial Arts Tech Kent State University Kent, Ohio, Masters The University of Akron, Graduate Coursework I am an experienced educator.

 is a certified tutor certified
Marsela F.

Worcester 01610 · $95/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint - Prealgebra

Cornell University, Biomedical Engineering Ace math exams by getting tutored by a Cornell graduate who uses a variety of tutoring techniques to encourage your critical thinking in problem solving.

 is a certified tutor certified
Brenda E.

Greenwood 72936 · $45/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint - Prealgebra

Boise State University Materials Science and engineering, Electrical Engineer I am an Electrical Engineer and I love tutoring Math and Microsoft Office programs. I have tutored Adults, College Students and Children.

 is a certified tutor certified
Caleb R.

Saint George 84790 · $40/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint -

Brigham Young University, Business Managment - Finance I have experience tutoring middle school, high school, and college students in a variety of math, accounting and finance classes.

 is a certified tutor certified
Jose Antonio R.

San Marcos 92078 · $100/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint -

Pepperdine University of Los Angeles, California, Legal Writing and Re University of Turabo Puerto Rico, Masters Currently, I teach English at San Diego City College, Mira Costa College, Oceanside...

 is a certified tutor certified
David G.

Amherst 03031 · $40/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Physics - Prealgebra - Precalculus

CCNY of CUNY, undergrad CCNY of CUNY, Masters I can help you with math or science. It's not rocket science...but I am. A rocket scientist, that is. I am a retired engineer who worked on the Apollo...

 is a certified tutor certified
Alejandro C.

Pikeville 27863 · $68/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Spanish - Physical Science - ACT

Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina, Chemistry University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Masters University of Massachusetts at Amherst, PhD I am fully bilingual...

 is a certified tutor certified
Michelle S.

Bartlett 60103 · $55/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint - Reading -

Loyola University Chicago, Education, History DePaul University, Masters DePaul University, Other Hello! My name is Michelle, and I am currently a certified teacher for grades 6-12...

 is a certified tutor certified