Found 8219 world history tutors – page 370 of 822.

Andrew R.

Falls Church 22042 · $60/hour · teaches Latin - Law - Bar Exam

As a result, I am available for tutoring in Latin and ancient history as well. I majored in Latin for my undergraduate degree at Catholic University. My course work there included both poetic and historical...

 is a certified tutor certified
Anita U.

Norfolk 23505 · $40/hour · teaches Hungarian

English is the lingua franca of the world and I am proud to speak it. I experienced learning it both as a non-native speaker and as a bilingual speaker, so I can sympathize with learners who are experiencing one or...

 is a certified tutor certified
Brandon J.

Seattle 98117 · $40/hour · teaches ESL/ESOL - Japanese - TOEFL

As a Korean-American I was born and raised in Seoul, Korea and have lived in the States since 1992 working for one of the world's largest multinational enterprises. I have mastered two languages of Korean...

 is a certified tutor certified
Nancy C.

Seattle 98188 · $65/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Writing - English -

Bemidji State College, Minnesota, English, Speech University of Northern Colorado, Masters I'm a multi-generational teacher who teaches English, History, and Social/Emotional subjects at all grade...

 is a certified tutor certified
Sarah L.

Hartford 06106 · $40/hour · teaches American History - Vocabulary - Writing - English -

Lawrence University, History American University, PhD Episcopal Divinity School, Masters Who am I? An orange-haired, cat-loving, 71 year old, mostly retired lady who lives by...

 is a certified tutor certified
Alexandra W.

Ridgewood 11385 · $100/hour · teaches American History - Grammar - Writing - English -

Adelphi University, History, Education Adelphi University, Masters Hi, my name is Alexandra. I am in my 8th year full time teaching Social Studies (U.S. History...

 is a certified tutor certified
Irv Z.

Fresh Meadows 11366 · $70/hour · teaches HTML - JavaScript - Web Design - PHP - CSS

As I've been slowly easing into the role, I found that I love tutoring and being able to help others understand and navigate the world of web development and software in general. I think that tutoring is...

 is a certified tutor certified
Sophie D.

Holly Springs 27540 · $60/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - French - Reading -

Having traveled extensively throughout the world, I feel I am able to offer a multi-cultural background to my students as well as giving them the chance to discover and appreciate other cultures.

 is a certified tutor certified
Seth S.

Ann Arbor 48105 · $45/hour · teaches American History - Geography - Government &

History, as well as a 7th and 8th grade mixed Agriculture Course. In this position I honed my skills of making content accessible for students of all abilities. I like to utilize storytelling, graphic organizing...

 is a certified tutor certified
Mara B.

Arcadia 91007 · $180/hour · teaches Art History - Spelling - Elementary Science -

B.S.Ed., M.A., University of the Philippines, English, Art History Teaching (English), Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, New Jersey, Masters Doctorate in Pedagogy...

 is a certified tutor certified