Found 101 writing tutors in Austin, TX 73301 – page 7 of 11.
Austin 78736 · 13 miles from downtown · $40/hour · teaches Reading - Writing -
Previously, I've taught college writing courses in Boston, at colleges and programs both in the inner city and in the suburbs (Bunker Hill, Mass Bay, and College Bound-Dorchester).

Austin 78759 · 13 miles from downtown · $100/hour · teaches Biology - Chemistry - SAT
My GRE scores were: Math 165, Reading 167, writing 6. Do you find biology or chemistry boring? I did too! Bio and chem are taught in such a dry manner sometimes that students have trouble connecting with the material.

Austin 78737 · 13 miles from downtown · $60/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English
In my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, and playing music. I am a big fan of experimental art and literature. I am very curious about the world around me and love learning about different cultures and beliefs.

Austin 78753 · 12 miles from downtown · $100/hour · teaches Microsoft PowerPoint -
PUCIT, Software Engineering Hello! My name is Haris I, and I hold a bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from the Punjab University College of Information Technology (PUCIT), graduating with a GPA of 3.42 and...

Austin 78753 · 12 miles from downtown · $180/hour · teaches SAT Writing - Physical
...760 Writing), ACT (36 Math, 34 English, 34 Reading, 34 Science), GRE (167 Math, 165 Verbal, 4.5 Writing), and SAT Subject Tests (800 Physics, 790 Chemistry, 790 Math II) I can also help students prepare for AP...

Austin 78758 · 12 miles from downtown · $60/hour · teaches Writing - Law - Art History
University of Colorado, Philosophy University of San Francisco School of Law, J.D. Christie’s Education, Masters After graduating with honors from law school, I served as...

Austin 78737 · 13 miles from downtown · $200/hour · teaches Grammar - Writing - English
Wesleyan University, American Studies State University of NY at Buffalo, Masters University of Kansas, PhD We will put your best foot forward and leverage your strengths.

Austin 78727 · 14 miles from downtown · $75/hour · teaches Writing - English - IELTS
SUNY at Stonybrook, Philosophy SUNY at Stonybrook, Other In Florida, I have been teaching at language schools since September 2016. Before this I had lived overseas for more than 3 decades.

Austin 78750 · 16 miles from downtown · $60/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Writing -
Written assignments required my proofing and assistance with writing skills. Without English degree, such help was based upon my own skill and abilities at writing. I have contributed a chapter on Death / Grief...

Austin 78734 · 16 miles from downtown · $60/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - ESL/ESOL
s, Engineers, Pharmacists (FPGEC) and Teachers, that are trying to get a speaking score of 26 or greater, and/or a writing 24. Often in 4-10 classes you can see a huge point jump in your scores.