Found 11386 writing composition tutors – page 417 of 1139.

Savannah E.

Mount Airy 27030 · $35/hour · teaches American History - Grammar - English - Government

I have 4 years of experience in online tutoring platforms and 3 years of writing expertise in journalistic avenues. My approaches to instruction are individualized to the student. After obtaining a glance at what...

 is a certified tutor certified
Robert H.

Socorro 87801 · $45/hour · teaches Writing - Astronomy - Proofreading - Geology

New Mexico Institute of Mining Technology, Tech Communications I have a College education in Geology, Meteorology and Technical Communications. As a Writing Center tutor, I focused on teaching through editing.

 is a certified tutor certified
Rong Z.

Macomb 61455 · $40/hour · teaches Grammar - Writing - Chinese - English

liaoning normal unversity, education Liaoning Normal University, Masters I hold a Master's Degree in Education and an Associate Degree in English Linguistics from Liaoning Normal University, Dalian...

 is a certified tutor certified
MiOnnah W.

Fort Worth 76134 · $45/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - Elementary Math - Elementary

Texas Christian University, Social Work Grand Canyon University, Masters I'm Mi'Onnah! I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Social Work. In college, I realized the classes I appreciated most...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ilene S.

Pittsburgh 15217 · $70/hour · teaches Grammar - Writing - English - Marketing

Chatham College (formerly University), English Duquesne University, Masters Carnegie Mellon, Masters I have over 30 years of writing and marketing experience in the private...

 is a certified tutor certified
Paige G.

Fort Collins 80526 · $59/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - French - Reading -

...and gain confidence in your ability to speak and write in French or English. I'm passionate about helping my students achieve their language learning goals, whether that means improving their grades in school...

 is a certified tutor certified
Daniel M.

Portland 97210 · $230/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English - Literature

Vassar College, English NYU, Masters NYU, Masters Hi! I am a full-time, award-winning writing professor at New York University, living in Portland, teaching now on zoom.

 is a certified tutor certified
Timothy M.

Charlottesville 22902 · $35/hour · teaches Grammar - Writing - English - Proofreading

University of Virginia, English My degree is in creative writing from the University of Virginia where I earned a 3.98 GPA and made the Dean's List each year. I have taught writing...

 is a certified tutor certified
Chessie S.

Lynchburg 24502 · $35/hour · teaches Study Skills - Writing - English - Spelling -

The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, Elementary Education I’m Chessie. I have been a licensed teacher in Virginia for eight years, and have taught a range of subjects.

 is a certified tutor certified
Paul G.

Altadena 91001 · $70/hour · teaches Reading - Elementary Math - Elementary Science -

I've taught grades 3-6, reading, math, science, and writing. In addition, I have a background in Art, Theatre, and Photography; disciplines that I bring to the classroom to make learning more interesting and creative.

 is a certified tutor certified