Found 11474 writing composition tutors – page 506 of 1148.
Box Elder 57719 · $40/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - SAT Reading - Spelling -
I volunteered at Columbia Literacy Center in Columbia, SC teaching adult learners to read, write, and introduction to using a computer.

Key West 33040 · $40/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - Geography - English -
I have experience teaching kids from working with a non-profit in Philadelphia (Mighty Writers) where I taught to kids to write fiction and then published their work. I can provide practical and academic knowledge...

Marion 29571 · $35/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Writing - Spelling
As a college graduate, I can assure you that every paper I ever had to write was done so in Microsoft Word. I am more than proficient in this application as I used it on a daily basis.

Gainesville 32601 · $45/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English - Literature -
My main experience with tutoring is for most levels of English and writing. However, I will tutor any subject on an elementary level, as I love working with young students. I am a published online writer...

Carnegie 15106 · $60/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English - Literature -
...I am really confident that I can teach life-long reading and writing that will ensure your success throughout your schooling career. I am a Level II certified English teacher with the state of Pennsylvania...

York 17408 · $40/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Writing
In addition to possessing a mastery of English and creative writing, I also employ interviewing, editing and investigative skills in my job -- all of which I can pass along to you.

Provo 84606 · $65/hour · teaches Writing - English - Sociology
...writing skills (essays, research papers, theses and dissertations), and the IT industry (business, Unix/Linux, web development). I have a Ph.D. in sociology and did graduate work at the University of Chicago...

Beloit 53511 · $50/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English - Bar Exam
I have spent the last ten years of my legal career as a successful research and writing attorney, and am skilled at patiently working to help others achieve the same kind of success.

Redding 06896 · $150/hour · teaches Writing - Literature - World History - SAT Reading
SUNY Albany, undergrad NYU, Masters Nova Southeastern, PhD Learn from a PhD. Professor Scott G. is one of the most popular teachers at Western CT State University for his in-depth...

Emigrant 59027 · $45/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English - Literature
I have a background in the following subject areas: English, reading, history, literature, vocabulary, essay writing, and public speaking. And I'm happy to work around your schedule, contact me and we can discuss...