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Computer Science online or in-person

Greetings Linda, I have a younger brother ["Alex"ander] (23 years old), taking a computer science bachelors degree with Colorado Technical University (CTU) online (online, but near Colorado Springs, Colorado). He lives with me in Ocean Beach, San Francisco, California (we are approximately 3 hours west of you, if I understand correctly). He was in the Marines (veteran) and has a 50% coverage for the VA education benefit; specifically $50.00 per month for a tutor each year. Alex was on the wrestling team when he was in high school, was in the marines for a time, and then moved in with my girlfriend with I and is attending college. It is time for him to wrestle some mathematics and code. He will keep you on and renew with you as his tutor for his academic program. I believe his CTU academic program is decently challenging, but achievable for him to complete and succeed in his academic goal and should not particularly be a challenge for you, if/when he may need you. I reviewed several tutors and feel that your experience, personality, and education would be a good match for him. He has: 1) CTU provided tutors online, 2) my girlfriend and I who are novice programmers (front end, web development plus Java and C+), 3) a mathematical engineering older sister who was a calculus tutor, 4) another older sister who is a biostatistician data scientist, etc. So he has some resources already, but given he has the educational tutoring benefit through the Veterans Administration (the VA), I wanted to make sure I helped setup a successful set of resources for him to achieve his academic goals. Basically, I would like for you to be his backup tutor (remote/online) and be on the VA tutoring retainer for him, if/when he needs some extra help. I believe this will be useful for you and your tutoring will benefit him. You will be compensated $50.00 per month for the next three to four years. Let me know your thoughts. A. D. Alex's Older Brother (phone number available upon purchase) (email available upon purchase)

Sent by Angelo on 10/19/23

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Matt Horwich's testimonial

Matt Horwich

  • I like TutorZ because as soon as I get a notification, I purchase the lead for as little as two dollars. Within minutes I have made a call or sent a direct email. I usually set up a first session for that week....sometimes that very same day! Now let's start studying....

by Matt Horwich, Cleveland, OH

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