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Algerbra II in Tallahassee, FL

Hi there, I am seeking a tutor for my very bright daughter. She is a sophomore at JP II and currently in Algebra II, Her adhd makes mastering math skills a roadblock and I believe we have just reached the end of the road with her exceptionalities and curriculum. She is a gifted student in all other subjects. She has accommodations and an educational plan in place. She makes too many errors to get a passing grade on assessments and takes too long to master concepts. Normally a tutor would have to work with her two days a week to keep her afloat in math alone. It can't be any tutor because she is a master at getting the tutor to answer the questions for her. If you are available or have any suggestions I would love to hear from you.

Sent by Jeneane on 9/5/24

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Matt Horwich's testimonial

Matt Horwich

  • I like TutorZ because as soon as I get a notification, I purchase the lead for as little as two dollars. Within minutes I have made a call or sent a direct email. I usually set up a first session for that week....sometimes that very same day! Now let's start studying....

by Matt Horwich, Cleveland, OH

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