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French in Rockville, MD

We are interested in finding a tutor to boost the reading skills of one of our boys. Andrew is a second grader who currently is enrolled in the Montgomery County French Immersion program at Maryvale Elementary in Rockville. He loves being in the program and is intensely proud of learning a second language. His teachers feel he is making satisfactory progress in reading French, but his report card doesn't really align with that perspective. Additionally, his inability to read French well is now impacting his ability to read the directions for math. In MCPS the 2nd grade math has a strong integration of word problems and other materials which require reading. We'd like to find a tutor that can help Andrew make this important breakthrough on his French (and English) language reading ability. Does this sound like a good alignment with the services you provide? If so, what information should we share to determine next steps? We'd be happy to speak with you about Andrew and his needs. Please let us know if you think a conversation is appropriate and what days/times & numbers might be best to reach you. P. M. & Amy Sloan

Sent by Peggy on 1/30/14

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Lori of Riverhead, NY gives Prof. BAM a five star testimonial.

Prof. BAM

  • Prof BAM is absolutely amazing. In 3 weeks, brought my son's regents test score up 14 points. He's professional and extremely good at what he does. He shows his students how to break the test questions down to be more successful. He always works with our busy schedule. Highly recommend.

by Lori, Riverhead, NY

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