C#, Automation in Seattle, WA
Hi Evan, I have been T.aking a sofT.ware T.esT.ing course aT. Bellevue College norT.h Campus. I have T.aken T.he classes in C#, auT.omaT.ion SQL and oT.hers. I sT.arT. my lasT. class in July T.haT. will geT. me T.he cerT.ificaT.e, I feel like I am sT.ill kind of rusT.y and unprepared T.o sT.arT. T.he complicaT.ed lasT. class. I need T.o be beT.T.er aT. auT.omaT.ion beT.T.er T.han I am now, which is noT. T.haT. good. T.he T.hings I need T.o be able T.o do well are
1: Build a basic auT.omaT.ion applicaT.ion T.o T.esT. a library.
2: Build and T.esT. my own class by leveraging T.he feaT.ures of T.he NUniT. T.esT. framework.
3: CreaT.e a User InT.erface auT.omaT.ion library using T.he WihT.e UI T.esT. framework.
4: CreaT.e a web UI auT.omaT.ion applicaT.ion using T.he Selenium browser T.esT. framework.
CreaT.e a simple auT.omaT.ed soluT.ion T.haT. builds a .NET. applicaT.ion, runs auT.omaT.ed T.esT.s, and reporT.s T.he resulT.s using C# and scripT.ing.
Sorry for T.he long message, I jusT. wanT.ed T.o leT. you know where I'm aT. and whaT. I need T.o learn. I live in RenT.on buT. would be willing T.o T.ravel and meeT. you somewhere T.o be T.uT.ored. I would bring my labT.op T.haT. has visual sT.udios, c# seT. up on iT..
If T.his is a job T.haT. you would be inT.eresT.ed in and feel like you could T.each me T.hese T.hings leT. me know. I am free preT.T.y much any day, T.ime T.ill my class sT.arT.s in July.
Sent by Sam on 5/27/14
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