Pricing for Students

Free of Charge
Using is entirely FREE to students and parents.
Our free service includes searching and screening for tutoring candidates and communicating with tutors through our emailing system. Contact as many tutors as you like. After your are satisfied with you tutoring candidates you can hire any tutor.
How it Works Find me a TutorPricing for Tutors

Pay per Job is transitioning from a subscription based service to a pay-per-job system. Setting up tutoring profiles, marketing your services and receiving messages from parents and students remains free. However, before you can communicate with your potential client you need to purchase the tutoring job. Purchasing a tutoring job also makes you become the owner of student's contact information (email, phone number, website, twitter id — if any). The prices for each tutoring job will be low ranging from $0.00 (free) to $5.00. Thus, system is transparent, fair and of great value.
The price of an individual tutoring job depends on the quality of the tutoring lead. We compute a job's quality from measures such as the tutoring subject, specificity of content, geographic region, meta data, and the student's past history.
Purchasing a tutoring job is simple and typically requires just one click. Such a click results in the job's purchase amount to be withdrawn from your TutorZ credit balance. Credit can be bought with your credit card or PayPal account. There are 3 credit packages available: Green Apple, Red Apple and Gold Apple. Purchasing a premium credit package (Red and Gold Apple) earns you extra money: $5 and $25 respectively.
All existing tutors and for a limited time all new tutor sign ups receive a complimentary $10 in free credit.
Be a Tutor Job Board