Mr. Nathan H.
Bachelor in Economics · specializes in Algebra I and Algebra II · 41-50 years old male
"Your success is my success. My success is your success."
years of tutoring: | 5-10 |
students tutored: | 50-100 |
travel distance: | 25 miles |
meeting type: | either in-person or online |
member for: | 11 years and 12 months |
award: | apple |
email: | on file |
phone: | on file |
website: | on file |
Education and Qualifications
school: | University of Houston |
certified: | |
I have over ten years of experience in mathematics education, including public school teaching and my current private tutoring practice. Online and in-home options are available.
Spring, TX 77388
Subjects Tutored |
Elementary & Junior High School | |
Elementary Math | |
General Ed | |
Math | |
Math | |
Algebra | Algebra 1 |
Algebra 2 | Geometry |
Pre-Algebra | Pre-Calculus |
Statistics |
5.0 out of 5 stars