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Ben G.

specializes in Chemistry · 41-50 years old male

"I have been sucessfully teaching AP Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, and Regents Chemistry teacher for more than 20 years. My philosophy is that teaching should be engaging, fun and enriching. I believe that if the student can fully understand the concepts behind the material they will not only understand but will love the subject matter. I have worked my whole career to develop methods that engage, motivate more...

"I have been sucessfully teaching AP Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, and Regents Chemistry teacher for more than 20 years. My philosophy is that teaching should be engaging, fun and enriching. I believe that if the student can fully understand the concepts behind the material they will not only understand but will love the subject matter. I have worked my whole career to develop methods that engage, motivate , and inspire students. Learning a tough subject should not be painful but fun! Student who can see where they are in the current topic and can see where they headed and can connect this with their real life experiences are the most successful students. I look forward to bringing chemistry to life for you." less...


fee: $80 (for 60 min)
years of tutoring: 10 and more
students tutored: 100 and more
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)
member for: 11 years and 2 months
award: apple
references: Upon request.


email: on file
phone: on file
website: on file

Riverhead, NY 11901
full address is on file

Subjects Tutored

General Ed
Chemistry (General)