"My passion is seeing children grow in their skills as well as their self-confidence. I have experience in teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic to grades 1-6. I have taught phonics to students in grades 1-2 and reading comprehension to students grades 3-5 for 15 years. I have tutored arithmetic to students grades 2-6 for over 10 years. I also have more than 5 years experience helping children improve more...
"My passion is seeing children grow in their skills as well as their self-confidence. I have experience in teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic to grades 1-6. I have taught phonics to students in grades 1-2 and reading comprehension to students grades 3-5 for 15 years. I have tutored arithmetic to students grades 2-6 for over 10 years. I also have more than 5 years experience helping children improve their writing skills.
I know how to use multiple strategies (visual, verbal, tactile) to teach the same subject. This helps for students to understand how a math problem can be broken down to smaller definable parts with the use of multiple problem-solving solving strategies. I also like to integrate and implement logic and critical thinking when solving word problems.
I love to see students excited about what they are reading. Through reading I use 4 strategies (Predict, Summarize, Clarify, Question) that help strengthen their reading skills but also help to improve their comprehension and fluency. As we read a story, I like to break the story down and find at least 5-10 words that are applicable to real world situations or that students may have some background or prior knowledge on. After finishing the story, I do several different vocabulary games so that each child is able retain new vocabulary being taught.
I like to find out students' interests so that they are more inspired to write about topics. I have learned that students are more willing to read material and gain and retain knowledge in subjects that interests them. In introducing the writing process I first like to find out their interests so that they are more inspired and engaged to write about topics. In going through the writing process with students, I like to help them break everything down (pre-write, draft, revise, edit, publish) and try not to overload them with too much material in one session so they are able to absorb and apply what they have learned.
Through teaching phonics for over 10 years, I have more self-awareness on h" less...