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Mr. Phil B.

Bachelor in Math with Minor in EE · specializes in Differential Equations · 60 or more years old male

"Phil provides tutoring only via Internet!


Phil completed his BS from Oregon State University, School of Mathematics. He is the co-owner of Optimal Designs Enterprise, a Calculus (level) Software organization. He has been involved in industrial training on continuous math modeling & optimization problems for over 45 years.

Phil has developed more...

"Phil provides tutoring only via Internet!


Phil completed his BS from Oregon State University, School of Mathematics. He is the co-owner of Optimal Designs Enterprise, a Calculus (level) Software organization. He has been involved in industrial training on continuous math modeling & optimization problems for over 45 years.

Phil has developed several applications (CurvFit, Match-n-freq, ODEcalc, el at) to show how Calculus (level) Problem-Solving can help users tweak parameters while minimizing their efforts; i.e. reduced development times by over 90%.

My personal goal:


Train Educators: Continuous Modeling, Simulation’s & (Mathematical) Optimizations. Optimizations require an Objective (function). Today's Engineers & Scientists solve problems with a “Find X” mind-set. With some Operational Research training they could expand their thinking to a “Find X to Optimize Y” mind-set. Then they would be ready for Optimizations, Calculus (level) programming and software. (This would drop today’s design times that require months even man years to one or two days! Manufacturing processes could be optimized to the days demand and thus maximize their profits.)

“Find X to Optimize Y” thinking among professors will cause most Engineering & Science textbooks to be rewritten with optimization examples and discussions. This will be great stuff for industries and government; applied engineering and/or science not just theories.

A little history, in 1974 Calculus programming was introduced at a Society of Industrial & Applied Mathematicians (SIAM) conference. Two professors heading the conference would -not- allow this paper to be printed since they realized what it would do to their (numerical methods) field of work. [Few, if any, professors are aware of what can be achieved thru Calculus (level) Problem-Solving.] Help, we need Engineering & Science professors to teach the “Find X to Optimize Y” mind-set.

PS: Calculus (level or based) Compilers got their start at NASA's Apollo Space program back in the 1960s. Have you seem the movie 'Hidden Figures'? This movie may give you some ideas why these compilers were/are so important." less...


fee: $10 (for 60 min, negotiable)
years of tutoring: 1-3
students tutored: 1-10
travel distance: 0 miles
meeting type: online (only)
member for: 1 year and 1 month
award: apple
references: Communication: Have you seen movie Hidden Figures, if you haven’t seen it, you should. It may help understand the communication problem between different types of people; e.g. NASA’s Engineers, Scientists, and Mathematicians. The movie shows engineers trying to solve some equations and getting no where fast! A mathematician comes along and solves the problem. But numbers say little to engineers. Near the movie’s end, the mathematician draws a graph showing a solution. The engineers finally get the ‘picture’ of what the equations are trying to say to them. Remember, a picture is worth a 1,000 words, right?


email: on file
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im: on file

Education and Qualifications

school: Oregon State University

Phil completed his BS from Oregon State University, School of Mathematics. He is the co-owner of Optimal Designs Enterprise, a Calculus (level) Software organization. He has been involved in industrial training on continuous math modeling & optimization problems for over 45 years.

Phil has developed several applications (CurvFit, Match-n-freq, ODEcalc, el at) to show how Calculus (level) Problem-Solving can help users tweak parameters while minimizing their efforts; i.e. reduced development times by over 90%.

1986-91: Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. where I had different assignments. One assignment was analyzing, what is called Digital Signal Processing (DSP), a plume from a spacecraft to try and label it as a "Friend or Foe". If its a Friend no problem, but a Foe may require action to be taken or it may shoot you down. This job required understanding the Fourier Transform. (FFT algorithm was being used. I switched to 10+ other algorithms and partially solved the problem.) For more, see my SpectrumSolvers app... . One antenna design (ESP2) assignment was with a Team that saved Lockheed $10M, rec'd Presidential award.

Engineering Memorandums: (LMSC = Lockheed Missiles and Space Company)

• "Frequency Modulation", LMSC Astronautics Engineering Memorandum #09-90, November 14, 1990.

• "Spectral Estimation Options", LMSC Astronautics Engineering Memorandum #07-90, May 30, 1990.

• "Artifacts from Spectral Estimation Algorithms", LMSC Astronautics Engineering Memorandum #05-90, March 19, 1990.

• "Whistler Waves, Why?", LMSC Astronautics Engineering Memorandum #03-90, March 19, 1990.

• "Arbitrary Equalization with Simple LC Structures", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, Vol. Mag-17, No. 6, Nov. 1981, pp. 3346-3348.

1979-85: Memorex Corp. designing a "Matched Filter" for a 14" disc drive; created a Computer-Aided-Engineering (CAE) App. This electrical filter was to make an isolated pulse more symmetric and slimmer. The more symmetrical and slimmer a pulse, would help minimize the "Pattern-Induced-BitShift" (PIB). Heavy math problem! (Main LaPlace transform equation took me 22 pages of hand written equations to derive the necessary equations. Oh, those little minus signs kept giving me trouble!) Received management training on how to save the 'ship' from sinking!

Roseburg, OR 97471
full address is on file

Subjects Tutored

Elementary & Junior High School
Elementary Math
General Ed
AlgebraApplied Math
Electrical Engineering
Additional Subjects
Calculus Based Compilers