![Josh's picture - Tutor in East Brunswick NJ](https://static.tutorz.com/img/avatar/1L.gif)
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Schedule Legend:
Dr. Josh
31-35 years old male
fee: | $15 (for 60 min) |
years of tutoring: | 3-5 |
students tutored: | 50-100 |
travel distance: | 5 miles |
meeting type: | online (only) |
member for: | 1 year and 12 months |
award: | apple |
email: | on file |
phone: | on file |
im: | on file |
Education and Qualifications
school: | Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology |
certified: | ![]() |
Ph.D. Medical Microbiology
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Subjects Tutored |
College | |
Biochemistry | Biology (Cell) |
Biology (Molecular) | Biotechnology |
Botany | Cell Biology |
Education | Immunology |
Marine Biology | Microbiology |
Molecular Biology | Religious Studies |
Social Sciences | Social Studies |
Sociology | Special Education |
Term Paper | Women's Studies |
World History | Zoology |