Michelle's picture - Elementary And Literacy tutor in Mohegan Lake NY

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Michelle K.

Masters in Elementary And Literacy · 36-40 years old female

"I am a certified reading specialist who can provide your child with remediation of reading skills. I offer full diagnostic literacy assessments to diagnose reading problems and determine the correct reading lexile and level of your child. I have been teaching for over 20 years and have had great success with getting children to learn to read and read to learn." 


meeting type: in-person (not online)
member for: 9 years and 9 months
award: apple


email: on file
phone: on file

Education and Qualifications

school: Hofstra University
certified: Michelle Kearns is a certified tutor

Bachelors in elementary education. Masters of Arts in Literacy Education K to 12.

Mohegan Lake, NY 10547
full address is on file

Subjects Tutored

Elementary & Junior High School
ElementaryElementary Math
Elementary ReadingElementary Science
English Language ArtsGrammar
Language ArtPhonics
Reading (Dyslexia)Study Skills
Special Needs
DyslexiaSpecial Needs
General Ed
Common CoreEnglish