Karin's picture - Elementary Language Arts tutor in New York NY

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Why do you need tutoring?

Karin K.

specializes in Elementary Language Arts · female

"Every child learns differently. It is my job to determine how your student learns best and then implement those methods. I like to make learning a fun and positive experience . Add some patience, cooperation , and a pleasant learning environment and I believe we will be on our way to success. My goal is then to leave your student with tools they can use themselves in the future ." 


years of tutoring: 10 and more
students tutored: 10-50
travel distance: 5 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)
member for: 8 years and 4 months
award: apple


email: on file

Education and Qualifications

school: Kings college

B.A from Kings College

Degree in Criminal Justice/Sociology

Emergency teaching certificate

Substitute teacher for 10 years

Special Education paraprofessional for 15 years

New York, NY 10001

Subjects Tutored

Elementary & Junior High School
ElementaryElementary Math
Elementary ReadingElementary Science
English Language ArtsGrammar
Special Needs