"If you're looking for a mathematician as a math tutor, I'm your guy. Although I have tutored most branches of mathematics, my focus is now Calculus and Pre-Calculus, both at the high school and college level. There is significant student demand for a qualified calculus tutor, especially with respect to online courses.
I come equipped with a BS in Mathematics from Marshall University (cum laude). I more...
"If you're looking for a mathematician as a math tutor, I'm your guy. Although I have tutored most branches of mathematics, my focus is now Calculus and Pre-Calculus, both at the high school and college level. There is significant student demand for a qualified calculus tutor, especially with respect to online courses.
I come equipped with a BS in Mathematics from Marshall University (cum laude). I have taught high school mathematics to grades 9 through 12. I taught college prep mathematics to advanced high school seniors, and after college I even tutored some of my former high school math teachers working on advanced degrees.
I spent most of my career as a multi-credentialed Enrolled actuary (FSA, FCA, MAAA) and president of an actuarial firm. From time to time I assisted students who were studying for actuarial exams. I took an early retirement in 2011, but still wanted to stay active in the area that I love best... mathematics. Mathematics is my native language. Additionally, I teach chess and can help chemistry and physics students with the underlying mathematics that is so utterly prevalent in those subjects. Check me out at http://ferrelltutoringservices.com/ .
Related Hobbies and Interests:
I have been a Cub Scout Den Leader, Coach for Carmel Dads Club Basketball, Baseball, Football and Soccer programs, and when my wife and twin boys aren't keeping me busy, I love to read books on American and World History.
Finally, because of the number of students that I have, I do not have time to travel. Tutoring is done either in my home or via Zoom." less...