Mr. Andrew T.
specializes in Math and Computer Scienc · 22-30 years old male
"Andrew Tseng specializes in higher math, such as statistics, vector calculus and Numerical Analysis, as well as probability. He is physically located in Austin, TX but tutors primarily online. Andrew only charges $10 per hour."
fee: | $10 (for 60 min, negotiable) |
years of tutoring: | 1-3 |
students tutored: | 1-10 |
travel distance: | 5 miles |
meeting type: | online (only) |
member for: | 6 years and 6 months |
award: | apple |
references: | |
email: | on file |
phone: | on file |
website: | on file |
im: | on file |
Austin, TX 78705
full address is on file
Subjects Tutored |
Elementary & Junior High School | |
Computer Basics | Elementary Science |
General Ed | |
Computer | Math |
Math | |
Algebra | Algebra 1 |
Algebra 2 | Applied Math |
Calculus | Differential Equations |
Discrete Math | Geometry |
Linear Algebra | Numerical Analysis |
Pre-Algebra | Pre-Calculus |
Probability | Statistics |
Trigonometry | Vector Calculus |
Languages | |
Chinese (basics) | |
Computer & Internet | |
Algorithms | C++ |