Mr. Bruce Z.
specializes in Math, History · 18 or younger years old male
"Bruce Zhang specializes in math, sciences and History.
He can also teach basic Chinese and he lives in Ridgewood, NJ. Feel free to contact him through the form on your left."
fee: | $30 (for 60 min, negotiable) |
years of tutoring: | 1-3 |
students tutored: | 1-10 |
travel distance: | 5 miles |
meeting type: | either in-person or online |
member for: | 6 years and 8 months |
award: | apple |
email: | on file |
phone: | on file |
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
full address is on file
Subjects Tutored |
Elementary & Junior High School | |
Elementary Math | Elementary Reading |
Elementary Science | |
General Ed | |
Chemistry | Geography |
History | Math |
Science | Spelling |
Vocabulary | |
Math | |
Algebra | Algebra 1 |
Calculus | Pre-Algebra |
Pre-Calculus | Probability |
Trigonometry | |
Languages | |
Chinese (basics) |