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Dr. Usama Ahmed Ali

specializes in Medicine and Surgery · 22-30 years old male

"Hey there, I tutor students for United States Medical Licensing exams. I am an experienced and a dedicated medical professional who loves teaching.

I use a digital pencil to make illustrations for my students to make things easier to learn. Throughout the tutoring process, I emphasize the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success on the USMLE more...

"Hey there, I tutor students for United States Medical Licensing exams. I am an experienced and a dedicated medical professional who loves teaching.

I use a digital pencil to make illustrations for my students to make things easier to learn. Throughout the tutoring process, I emphasize the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success on the USMLE exams. I also provide guidance on test-taking strategies and time management techniques to help students optimize their performance on exam day.

I have taught many students in the past with good scores on steps. If you are interested in taking my services then feel free to contact me via email and we will coordinate further.

Thank you" less...


fee: $10 (for 60 min)
years of tutoring: 1-3
students tutored: 10-50
travel distance: 0 miles
meeting type: online (only)
member for: 1 year and 2 months
award: apple


email: on file
phone: on file
im: on file

Education and Qualifications

school: King Edward Medical University
certified: Usama Ahmed Ali is a certified tutor

Hey there, I tutor students for United States Medical Licensing exams. My credentials are

MBBS from KEMU, Lahore

USMLE Step 1: 264

USMLE Step 2 CK: 270

OET: Passed

Distinctions in Medicine, Pathology and Ophthalmology during medical school.

Tucson, AZ 85719
full address is on file

Subjects Tutored

USMLE step 1USMLE step 2 CK