"I am Rajat. I graduated MS in Telecommunications Engineering from MS from UMD in 2014 and have been working as a Satellite systems engineer since. Having studied in two different countries, I have been influenced by two different learning cultures, which has evolved my approach towards the concept of learning (and teaching). Be it my high school, my college or my graduate school, the classes I excelled the more...
"I am Rajat. I graduated MS in Telecommunications Engineering from MS from UMD in 2014 and have been working as a Satellite systems engineer since. Having studied in two different countries, I have been influenced by two different learning cultures, which has evolved my approach towards the concept of learning (and teaching). Be it my high school, my college or my graduate school, the classes I excelled the most in were the ones where the Professors went on to explain the topics in the most basic and relatable form, e.g. Trigonometry which can very daunting to understand at times can be simplified at the journey of two brothers, a simple man (SIN) and clever man (COS) who when in different scenarios behave differently, example when SIN is profit, Sin(2x) = 2SinxCox, SIN splits the profit with the brother while COS (being clever) keeps all the profit to himself Cos(2x)=2Cos2(x)-2. Similarly, chemistry can be broken down to the story where everyone element (like every human) always intends on making themselves the noblest version (like a Noble Gas). In the case of Water molecule, Hydrogen wants to be Helium, Oxygen wants to Neon, but no one is motivated about this possible venture enough that they give up what they have (electrons) so they end up having a give-and-take partnership in the form of a weaker Covalent Bond; instead successful entrepreneurs like Sodium (Na)and Chlorine (Cl) which are willing to exchange their goods (electrons) to make a powerful Ionic Bond.
For my experience in tutoring, I have tutored English, math, and physics to high school students when I was going to college. I have tutored students going to community college math and statistics classes while I was going to Graduate School and also helped my peers in college and graduate school at UMD, in applied mathematics classes.
I prefer to build logic from the ground up and develop sound basics for my students so that they can take on any version of the problem that was discussed in the class and not be confused by verbiage or numbers that were" less...