Silas's picture - Photography tutor in Overland Park KS

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Mr. Silas C.

specializes in Photography · 22-30 years old male

"Photography as a craft is a balance of expression, composition, and technicality. Most people with cameras (either on their phone or high end DSLRs) believe that taking pictures comes down to tech and gear. However I've been a firm believer in the simple fact that cameras don't take pictures, people do. But you have to know the techniques in order to implement them. What is ISO? Why are my photos blurry? more...

"Photography as a craft is a balance of expression, composition, and technicality. Most people with cameras (either on their phone or high end DSLRs) believe that taking pictures comes down to tech and gear. However I've been a firm believer in the simple fact that cameras don't take pictures, people do. But you have to know the techniques in order to implement them. What is ISO? Why are my photos blurry? What is the rule of thirds? What is the rule of odds? I help those wanting to make themselves a stronger photographer in both technique and style by understanding the fundamental basics all the way up to the complex theories surrounding the art that captivates so many Earth wide." less...


member for: 9 years and 10 months
award: apple


email: on file
phone: on file

Education and Qualifications

I've have been a professional photographer for 5 years. I have shot photo and video for both family/sporting/nightlife events as well international musicians and entertainers. During that time I have worked with children and adults alike to help them not only achieve better images, but also to develop their own unique style and get a genuine satisfaction with every shot they take.

I have tutored high school students in fine art as well as digital, taking their own strengths and guiding them through the process of concept to finished product.

Overland Park, KS 66212
full address is on file

Subjects Tutored

Elementary & Junior High School
Computer Basics
General Ed
Computer & Internet
Adobe IllustatorPhotoshop
Digital ArtsFine Arts