Tutorz is free of charge for parents and students
  • Pricing for Tutors.
  • Buy credit now! Earn up to $25 extra credit.



How it Works

Send Message to us.


Tutoring profiles, marketing services, receiving tutoring jobs and exchanging messages with potential clients is free. However, before you can start tutoring you must buy the tutoring job.

Job prices depend on the quality of the tutoring lead. We compute it from measures such as the tutoring subject, specificity of content, geographic region, phone interview, metadata, and the student's history. Pay for these jobs out of your TutorZ credit which is available denominations of $20, $50 and $100.

Green Credit

  • Earn


    worth of credit.
  • green apple
  • We charge $20 on your credit card or PayPal account.
  • Compare Details

Red Credit

  • Pay $45 get


    worth of credit.
  • green apple
  • We charge only $45 on your credit card or PayPal account. You earn $50 in credit. This is $5 extra money for you.
  • Compare Details

Gold Credit

  • Pay $75 get


    worth of credit.
  • gold apple
  • We charge only $75 on your credit card or PayPal account. You earn $100 in credit. This is $25 extra money for you.
  • Compare Details

I already have $10 of credit. Why?

When you setup your tutoring account you receive an initial amount of $10 in free credit. This $10 is a one time bonus. Creating second account in your name does not provide you another $10.

Which credit cards do you accept?

We accept the following major credit cards: Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express. We also accept payments through PayPal.

Major credit cards are accepted PayPal

How long until my credit expires?

Never! The remainder of your purchased credit stays with you for the lifetime of your account.

How safe is paying with my credit card?

Very! TutorZ.com deploys a safe server and the latest security technologies. None of our customers has ever had its credit card data compromised.

Matt Horwich's testimonial

Matt Horwich

  • I like TutorZ because as soon as I get a notification, I purchase the lead for as little as two dollars. Within minutes I have made a call or sent a direct email. I usually set up a first session for that week....sometimes that very same day! Now let's start studying....

by Matt Horwich, Cleveland, OH

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