The term ranking refers to a tutor's position in the TutorZ search results page.
There are various ranking factors that influence whether a tutor appears higher on our search. This is quite important for tutors to know because ranking and the number of tutoring jobs correlate closely.
The tutors who are fortunate enough to be positioned on the first search results page get a whopping 70% of all tutoring jobs. Those who are land on page 2 still get about 4% and on page 3 only 2% of all tutoring requests. Being positioned on pages 4, 5, 6, etc amounts to only a few jobs per year if any at all.
Ranking Signals
The factors that influence the ranking of tutor are called ranking signals.
TutorZ deploys an algorithm that consists of 28 signals. Some of these signals are time based, for example the longer a tutor has been tutoring at TutorZ the higher this signal score. Other category of signals monitors the behavior of tutors. This category includes a signal that benefits tutors who quickly and frequently responds to his student's messages. Yet another group of signals comprises negative indicators, such as if the tutor has no picture, no phone number, a poor profile, email bounces, or he has received complaints. These negative factors lower a tutors ranking.
How To Increase Ranking
In short, tutors can increase their ranking by doing a good job managing the TutorZ account as well as meeting the student's needs. If you're a tutor follow these tips to boost your rankings:
- set up a complete and credible profile
- consistently buy or decline your tutoring jobs
- respond to tutoring jobs as soon as possible
- communicate with your students politely and professionally
- when out of credit purchase packages in denominations of $20, $50 or $100
- be on time and prepared for the tutoring sessions
- have a deep knowledge of the subjects you tutor
- teach the concepts patiently and engagingly
- tutor as many students as possible
- receive ratings and reviews from your students
Green Apple Award

If a tutor's ranking grows to 6 or above, she will be awarded the Green Apple award. Typically, this happens to tutors who have created and activated a complete profile, and responded quickly and professionally to their student request.
Out of the 40,000+ TutorZ tutors only 474 tutors carry the Green Apple award.
Red Apple Award

Having been a tried and test tutor your grows steadily. If your ranking leaps above 21, you will be bestowed the Red Apple award. A Red Apple tutor has been consistently buying or declining your tutoring jobs, communicating effectively with students and has been hired by students or their parents on numerous times.
As of January 2020, there are only 99 Red Apple tutors.
Gold Apple Award

Finally, the Gold Apple award is bestowed upon only the most distinguished tutors. These tutors have a ranking score of 29 and above.
As of January 2020, TutorZ has only 11 such highly decorated tutors.